Porn Valley- Sammura Shane was a return guest on The Sports Swami show today.
Swami was trying to stir up shit by attributing some remarks about racism in the business to Shane. Shane laughed.
“You went on this website- I won’t mention it [] because I can’t stand it myself. I guess JM-sponsored, Jeff Steward is allowing racist remarks and child pornography on his website?” Swami asked.
“Yes, he is allowing racist remarks on his website,” Shane replied. “And it’s very sad. And I hate to say that I fell for a trap on his site.” Asked how that was, Shane replied, “I let them egg me on until I started sounding just as ignorant as they did.”
“Who said what and was Jeff Steward responsible for any of this?” Swami asked her.
Shane conceded that she is in the porn industry, albeit, not big time. “As talent- I was a big fan of the Gag Factor series and American Bukkake. I looked up his site on the ‘Net and saw he had this message board. I’m a fan of his work and have no problem with doing this in my personal life. I thought maybe I should call him up and let him know that I’d like to be in one of his films. I posted my pictures on the board. It was pictures of me doing my very own bukkake and stuff. And just oral shot pictures. Being on the board, next thing I know, some guys were you’re hot, blah-blah-blah. I had Jeff sending me an e-mail that I should come see him when he’s in Vegas and see if he can get me some work.”
Shane said she then started getting comments that she was getting an HIV cum bath and that she looked like a crack whore. “She’s ghetto-this and black-this and goat cheese-this. I just fell for the trap. Instead of ignoring their dumb asses, I got mad and started acting just like them. But the funny thing is this board is supposed to be notorious for letting anything go, but if you’re not part of the clique on the board and start talking just as crazy as them and you don’t do the little dance and let them talk about you…but let’s not talk about that board no more.”
Swami pointed out that two people, in particular, have given Shane a lot of flak- Steward and Gen Padova. “According to them, you’re the one who starts trouble. You’re the one who’s talking racism. You’re the one corrputing the youth of this board.”
But Shane made it clear that Padova [“how do you pronounce her name again?”] never gave her any problems. “She was always cool.” Shane said Padova never talked shit about her even when she had the opportunity.
“Jeff Steward is a different story. The way I feel about it, if he’s willing to let people get on his board and call black people out and make fun of black people, and make fun of Jewish people, and put up pictures of Hitler and girls getting disemboweled and pissed on, that’s not the type of guy I feel I would trust laying down on a bed and allowing him to take some talent to fuck my mouth.”
Swami claims he was banned from the website because he fired back when Steward attacked him. “In a George Bush-like move I get banned.” Shane said the whole industry is about cliques. “If you’re not in a certain clique, and you don’t dance to their music and you don’t allow them to basically throw baloney at your ass while you’re singing, it’s like you’re not part of the group and we’re going to fuck with you. We’re not going to give you a chance.”
Shane’s decided to shoot her own DVD’s. “I have a great Internet following. I’m going to film my own DVD’s and kiss my own ass.”
It was pointed out that Sinnamon Love was on the show last week. “She said there’s still a lot of racism in this business,” Swami told Shane. “And a lot of directors don’t know how to enhance the girls. They see the talent, they shoot the talent. That’s it.”
Shane said from going on the Internet and conventions it feels like she’s in 1940’s Hollywood. “We’re just playing maids and sharecroppers- well, instead of playing maids and sharecroppers we’re playing whores and pimps and ghetto guys. Plenty of times I’ve spoken out about it, but the last time I sent an e-mail, they wouldn’t post up my e-mail and erased my message off the board. Oh my God, it’s so bad. And what makes it bad is that there’s a lot of black talent out there going along with it, that will sit there with some white directors making fun of black people and will sit there and laugh with them because they got to work. And they’rer scared to say anything. L.A.’s a great place. L.A. industry is a great place but I really feel sorry for some of them because they really can’t speak out. Because if they speak out they’re not going to get any work.”
Swami wondered why guys like Mr. Marcus amd Lexington Steele “don’t walk up to some of these guys and give them a backhand up side of the chops.” Shane said not all black people walk up to others and backhand them.
Swami said he’d like to see a video where guys like Jeff Steward “who say racist remarks get a backhand up side of the head.” Shane said she’d like to see it too.
“But you can’t say anything- they’re the ones calling the shots,” she commented. “If you say something, next thing they’ll go to a party or call up and e-mail every porn producer they know and send an e-mail out with a copy & paste of what you said on a message board and say don’t work with them. And pretty soon nobody wants to work with you. There’s a couple of black people in the porn industry that’s not getting work any more because they spoke out.”
Swami asked for their names, and Shane wouldn’t offer any. “If they’re not bold enough to speak out on their own, I’m not saying their names because I don’t like cowards. If they’re not bold enough to speak out on their own and go into hiding that’s on them.”
Asked about her business relationship with Sinnamon Love and Urban Eye Candy, Shane said as far as she knew, they were cool. “If my pictures are on the site I guess I’m still part of the company. That’s all I can say about that.” Shane pointed out that she’s not under contract to the company but freelance. “She just helped me out by putting my pictures on her site.”
Asked if she thought the industry could change, Shane offers the view that the tide of porn progress will recede. “You know how porn is in the mainstream right now? In a little while it’s going to go back to the way it was. Porn’s going to go back in the closet, the way it was, and it’s going to be a good 20 to 30 years before porn gets back into the mainstream again like that.”