Wichita- Adult book and video stores will be on the minds of Wichita city leaders this week. The mayor’s six month moratorium on any new stores is about over. Tuesday the city will talk about some changes to where adult stores can go and what they can neighbor. Here’s what the city’s thinking about – allowing the businesses in commericial and industrial areas only. That would keep them out of neighborhoods. They may also further restrict how close adult stores can be to other businesses
Right now it’s at 500 feet from churches, schools, and daycares. Council members may make that 1000 or 1500 feet. The city may also make sure adult stores don’t neighbor each other.
Stores that wouldn’t meet the new requirements would have to close or move. The city wouldn’t grandfather the stores. It would give them a year, maybe more to find a new location. Carlos Mayans says these kinds of restrictions have held up in other cities, though he’s pretty sure the city will get sued. The city will also talk about keeping businesses like Babes and Booze out of Old Town for good. That was the club that featured women dancers with painted on tops.