Porn Valley- Attorneys have been in and out of KSEX [as guests] like there was a yard sale on subpoenas.
Clyde DeWitt was the latest and on Anita Cannibal’s KSEX show, Cannibalism, recently to address a number of topics.
“The history of this business is what it is because we have Clyde DeWitt and many other people,” said Cannibal making the introductions.
Cannibal also notes that DeWitt has fought “feverishly” over the years for women’s rights as an attorney in the business.
The subject later in the show got on to 2257’s, but Cannibal opened with some history noting how DeWitt’s career began in the middle of the celebrated Best Little Whorehouse in Texas case. Which later became a movie starring Burt Reynolds and Dolly Parton.
“When I was in law school I got a job with the DA’s office in Houston,” recalls DeWitt. “We worked in conjunction with the sheriff’s department in consumer Dept. And there was a blue-haired guy named Marvin Zindler. He was a deputy sheriff and went around terrorizing fraudulent consumer businesses and puting them in jail. My job was to figure out how to keep them in jail.”
DeWitt, who was a prosecutor for seven years, went on to note that Zindler got booted out of office and was then hired by a TV station in Houston.
“He and a guy named Judd McIlvane who’s been an LA guy for a number of years did this expose-thing,” DeWitt continues.
“One of the things they did was the Chicken Ranch which was out there west of Houston in a county that was allegedly a little corrupt. The governor got involved and the Attorney General. And there was all this publicity. And Marvin was in the middle of it as the TV reporter. That story became the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. And the guy who was the central figure in that play/movie is modeled after Marvin Zindler who died recently.”
According to DeWitt whenever Zindler went to arrest someone he’d bring a ballyhoo of camera crews with him.
“Which would make me cringe,” said DeWitt. “He liked to be on television.”
Cannibal who’s worked in a Chicken Ranch or two in Nevada said one of the one’s she worked at has some of the original tiles from the Texas location.
Cannibal also mentioned that a new law allows brothels to advertise in Nevada. She wondered if that would affect the ability to advertise across the U.S.
“I don’t know what’s going to happen,” says DeWitt. “Everybody’s known for many years that the Nevada prohibition against brothels advertising in counties where prostitution is illegal, was unconstitutional. The ACLU finally took it to task and won. What the result of that is going to be, we don’t know because it hasn’t been very long.”
Cannibal went on to comments about how all the escort agencies working out of Nevada were doing so illegally.
“The brothels do get to advertise and the customers who want to act lawfully can do so because we can now compete with those other agencies,” she said.
“A lot of people come to the brothels who are in government or are attorneys, doctors, or people on VISA status. They don’t want to disrupt anything or be caught doing something they’re not supposed to do. But in the brothel you are protected because it is legal. I’m really happy about that.”
Cannobal said you are dealing with Free Speech rights on this issue.
“But people are confused,” she said. “People going to Las Vegas don’t know the difference between what’s legal and what’s not..”
“That’s an interesting thing,” commented DeWitt. “The customers of some of these escort services in Las Vegas are constantly complaining because they get the impression from somewhere that prostitution is legal in Nevada- which it is- but not there.”
Cannibal; said adding to the confusion is the fact that when people see ads for escorts and companions the automatic assumption is that more than companionship is involved.
“It’s totally cool for the brothels to show them that this is legal, you can do this here. You can fuck for money. It’s okay. That’s totally cool because now the customers can see that and differentiate between what’s real and what’s not real.”
“They already get bombarded with these girls to your room advertisements,” adds DeWitt.
“Allen Lichtenstein who’s the lawyer who won the case about the brothel advertising worked with me in another case where the judge said it was unconstitutional for the county to stop these people from passing out these girl-to-your-room cards. Al’s a good friend of mine and his office is acros the hall from mine in Las Vegas. So I guess when you go to the strip you’ll have plenty of cards handed to you .and you’ll have plenty of choices to choose from.”
Cannibal observed that some of the politicians in Nevada are “ornery” to say the least.
“One guy burned down to the ground the Mustang Ranch. I read that. He burned it down. He was anti-everything.”
“I don’t know what the story about that is,” said DeWitt. “There was another event in Nevada where there was a tax seizure of one of the brothels. For awhile the government was running a brothel and I thought that was pretty entertaining.”