Porn Valley- I’m so confused. Earlier in the evening on KSEX,, Michelle Lay mentioned that Tony Sexton had celebrated a birthday, Sunday. But at Pamela Peaks’ cooking show, I got the impression that it was Sexton’s birthday Wednesday. Maybe I wasn’t taking into account the fact that there’s a three day time difference between Australia and here.
Anyway, Sexton used the birthday gambit to good advantage because I saw his nose up a lot of female ass including Mercedes Ashley who must have been in the mood for giveaways by lending The Impaler a birthday blowjob. Generally, Sexton’s nose is at the other end of a fist, but Wednesday night was different as Sasha Brabuster, the Star Jones of porn, also enveloped her condo-sized cups around The Impaler’s head.
And it might as well have been Tony getting all the female attention, because Ron Hightower who was also there was too shit faced to know what house he was in. But Hightower admitted it later when I asked him if it was my imagination or was he trying to open a closet thinking it was a refrigerator.
story in progress