Porn Valley- The lawyers are circling like buzzards on a shit wagon
In the celebrity tell-all pantheon, it appears that celebrities enjoy telling more than being told-on. If the accounts of Tatum O’ Neal’s new book are even half of what they’re rumored to be, look for some legal fur to fly with that one. And speaking of fur, reports are that Cindy Crawford- PETA’s favorite pinup [not really], is demanding retractions from Jenna Jameson.
Jameson in her book How To Make Love Like a Porn Star apparently hit a nerve on Crawford’s mole by suggesting that there was a “vibe” between the two of them. Consequently, Crawford’s lawyers are asking for a passage that Jameson wrote on page 449 be deleted in future printings. In the contested text, Jameson describes an incident that occurred during the opening of Bangkok Planet Hollywood where Jameson was covering the event for the E! Channel.
Jameson writes: “Once the lights and cameras switched off, the party began. I sat down with my new best friend Cindy Crawford and we talked. However, I kept getting a weird vibe from her. I knew what it meant, because I’d experienced it so many times before, but I kept dismissing it. It couldn’t be true: she was Cindy Crawford, after all. When I turned my back to her to talk with an E! crew member sitting on my left, Cindy reached over and rubbed the back of my neck. Ooh, she cooed. Look at your beautiful tattoo!
“She [Crawford] touched my neck so softly and sensually. Was she making a pass at me? I froze. It was too much. She was so larger than life that I couldn’t even imagine running my tongue along that trademark mole of hers. So I excused myself to get a drink.”
Crawford and her attorneys, apparently don’t remember the incident in the same way. But the question is, does Wesley Snipe remember the next sentence as Jameson tells it?
Jameson writes: “I walked past a table full of beautiful girls, with Wesley Snipes sitting smack in the middle of them all. He waved me over. ‘So you’re the reporter from the E! Channel.’ He smiled. ‘Why don’t you join is.’ Hesitantly, I sat down next to him, and all the other girls at the table shot me dagger looks. He was trying to get in their pants; they were trying to get in his pants; and I was confused. ‘So,’ he leaned over and whispered in my ear, ‘do you like it up the ass?’ Jameson reports that she was offended by the question, got up and walked away. “The was the first and last time I ever saw him.”
Not unless Jenna hears from Wesley’s attorneys.