PORN queen Savanna Samson – who was interviewed by Bill O’Reilly just hours before he allegedly called his producer, Andrea Mackris, and “launched into a vile and degrading monologue about sex” – says she wishes the Fox News Channel star had phoned her that night instead.
“He should have called me,” Samson told us yesterday. “I would have given him phone sex for a lot less than $60 million” – the amount O’Reilly claims Mackris tried to extort from him and Fox News before she filed her bombshell sexual harassment lawsuit. “Unfortunately, he didn’t even flirt with me, let alone ask me for my phone number. He really was the perfect gentleman.”
Is it possible that O’Reilly got so excited interviewing Samson on Aug. 2 that it spurred him to call Mackris, an associate producer on “The O’Reilly Factor,” and allegedly urge her to buy a vibrator and describe to her a vibrator he had been given, as she claims in her lawsuit?
“I would like to think he was attracted to me,” said Samson, a former Scores stripper who went on the show to promote her titillating tome, “How to Have a XXX Sex Life” (ReganBooks). “But I can’t be sure. I was really nervous about being interviewed by him, so I made sure to look him right in the eye. I thought he was very attractive, but I love men in power. He had nice eyes.”
Meanwhile, O’Reilly’s arch-nemesis Al Franken has weighed in on the scandal – but refrained from gloating too much over the lewd legal battle. The left-leaning author and radio host told PAGE SIX: “It’s a sad thing. If it’s true, I think it’s a very sad thing, and I feel sorry for his wife. It’ll just have to play itself out.”
Finally, there may be some confirmation about O’Reilly’s sexual tastes in an old interview with Stuff magazine. Mackris alleges that O’Reilly bragged to her about romping with two “Scandinavian” women in a car and described women he had bedded in Bangkok.
Back in 2002, O’Reilly told Stuff: “The most beautiful women in the world are located in two countries: Norway and Thailand. No question. It’s just a matter of genetics. You have Norwegians: They are blond and blue-eyed. They are healthy. They are tall and Viking-esque. In Thailand, it’s just a very elegant look. Beautiful women.”
O’Reilly added, “The most unattractive women in the world are probably in the Muslim countries. You can’t see them. So you are assuming that if they’re dressed head-to-toe in black and I can only see eyebrows, there’s something going on. I could be wrong.”