Porn Valley- Rebecca Love is the Monday night co-ho to Wankus on KSEX Radio, She was on the Sports Swami Show explaining how that all came about. “I happened to be a guest on their show one night,” said Love. “Their co-host didn’t show up for the next Monday. He enjoyed our air time that he brought me back and asked if I would host regularly every Monday night.” Swami wondered how the chemistry was off the air.
“We became friends because of the show,” said Love. “It happens that on Monday nights we get wild and crazy. But that’s how we are off air too. I really like Wank. Wank is a great guy as long as he’s on your side,” she laughs.
“I don’t know how the other shows are because I’m only on Monday nights,” she goes on to say. “I only know what the Monday night listings are. I hope it’s a hot, heavy and sexual as the other shows.”
“Everybody here says that when they go on the show with you and Wankus they’re never the same afterwards,” Swami told her. ” They’re changed for life.” Love took that as a compliment and talked a little about the Kit Kat Ranch. “It’s a brothel in Reno, right near Taho. Everybody goes, well, I’m going to me in Vegas. Vegas ain’t going to cut it, honey. You still have a six hour drive. It’s awesome there. It’s like one helluva strip club with a VIP room to boot. And you can do whateeeeever’s on the menu.”
On the question of security at The Kit Kat, Love explained that there are panic buttons in the rooms. “They also have tons of security- there’s always somebody on shift. And the rooms are so paper thin. You’ve got to remember, a lot of these places are like trailers. All it takes is a nice good yell or scream or pound on the wall and someone will come to your room. But there is a panic button in the room if something does go wrong. Fortunately I’ve never had that problem.”
Love mentions that she does her own website. “I do the HTML- sex pays really well,” she says. “I’m talking the porn industry, the magazines and the brothels, of course. I figured I might as well use my body. God gave it to me and man made the rest. I might as well use it to my advantage- use brains, beauty and it seems to work for me.”
When it comes to doing sex scenes, Love makes interesting distinctions. “I save a lot of stuff for my website,” she notes. ” When I do the movies I’m condoms only. On my website I’m non-condom. I haven’t done anal yet but I’m saving that also for my website. There’s a lot of things I’m saving for the viewers. They can only get it there. The access is only at I can’t give everything to these companies and let them make money off of it. They have my movies in their rotation making tons of money off of it, why can’t I save something for my website and do the same?”
Love also has a 24 hour webcam feature on her site. “There’s one in my office and I just set up one today in my spare bedroom so I can go in there, fool around and do what I want.” Love said she also has a movie coming up for Wicked. “Devinn Lane is going to be directing it. It’ll be my first time on a set with Devinn directing.”
When asked if she were considering starting her own porn company, Love said that’s for later on. “I have too much going on to think about it. But that might be a plan later on because, eventually, my beauty will fade and I’ll need to have a backup plan.”
Swami got on the subject of escorting noting that Sunset Thomas supposedly was told that she’d be blackballed if she did The Bunny Ranch and The Kit Kat Club. Love said she’s never been told that. “A lot of girls deny that they’ve escorted, or anything” she says. “What I’ve found out is that the ranches are a helluva lot more safe than the actual movie industry. Granted we have to have tests every month. But we also have to have tests at the ranch every week. And we also have to use condoms for everything. it’s very clinical but fun in the mean time. I just find it to be a lot safer and a lot cleaner and there’s always somebody watching your back.”
Where it differs on a movie set says Love is, “You can be coerced into doing stuff that you really don’t want to do. You show up for a boy-girl scene. It turns out to be an anal. You’re pressured. At least at the ranch when I go into a room and negotiate something it stays the way it’s supposed to be and I’m in control. Granted, I love doing movies still. I just think when it comes to health issues and all that since I do the movies and I do the brothel, I am tested and poked and prodded up the yin-yang. But since I do both I’m a 100% healthy so far.”
Swami assumed by Love’s reference to being taken advantage of, that there was some history lurking in the background. “They haven’t with me,” she said. “I’ve showed up to a set and they’ve had me do another scene. But they paid me for it. But I’ve heard horror stories. I’ve seen people do it in front of me to other fresh meat, new girls. But since I’ve had experience, they really haven’t pushed it upon me.”
Love was asked if she might take it upon herself to help out a new girl who might be in that type of situation. “Usually a new girl will have an agent, and the only thing I’ll say to a new girl is call your agent and verify that’s what’s supposed to go on. What if the agent didn’t tell her?” But Love’s take on production people who might try and get away with something like that is philosophical. “They’re just business men trying to cut corners and save a dollar.”
Asked if she had thoughts about being a contract girl, Love had this to say. “Being a contract girl is great. Especially if you want to feature, be on the road and the p.r. is good. You’re limited to working for them. And if I sign a contract with you, I’d hope that you’d stick to your guns. If you’re looking to make money off of a few selections of quality films, go for it. If you wan to do a lot of movies, I don’t recommend it. It’s whatever you can negotiate. A lot of times you only get that contract if you have something to bring to the table besides good looks.”
Asked what she meant by that Love said you can be a girl who’s been featured both in Penthouse and Playboy. “That’s a big deal. You could be a Howard Stern girl. That’s a big deal. It just depends on what you have to bring to the table and people want to see you. Or you can be really good with the fans. The fans buy your movies. That would be another thing to bring to the table. It’s a business deal. Whatever you got, whatever commodity you got, use it.”
Citing the example of Teagan Presley who had been a KSEX co-ho for a brief time then got signed to a contract, Swami said he heard “rumors” that Sin City and JKP were interested in her. Love said she wish they were true but the contract offers she’s received have been from smaller companies.