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If Vivid ever gets around to paying Kira Kener the $250,000 it owes her, maybe Steve Hirsch will take the time to explain why he’s at the vanguard of the Measure B movement.
Remember when Hirsch was Mr. Condom and all of Vivid’s movies were starring Latex? Along comes Vivid performer Kira Kener [pictured] to state that she was subjected to unsafe sex practices on set. She sued Vivid.
Measure B, you see, would protect performers like Kenner, but companies like Vivid don’t want that because, well, they’ll get another Kira Kener lawsuit.
Which makes me wonder why Kener’s fellow performer from that era, Julie Meadows, is so adamantly opposed to a measure that provides better safety precautions for performers and gives them a forum to air their grievances. Oh, that’s right Meadows is spearheading the Adult Performers Coalition for Choice.
I don’t think Kener had one when she was maneuvered into doing a scene she didn’t want to do.