New York- Tommy Lee was on the Howard Stern Show today flogging his book Tommyland. And, of course, the subject got around to porn stars such as Jesse Jane and Jenna Jameson.
Stern was curious if ever a woman turned him down. “I’m sure somewhere, somehow,” said Lee. “I just can’t remember.” Stern referenced a passage in Lee’s book that when he dated Heather Locklear, her friends hated him but he persisted. Lee said that’s the key- persistence. Stern said Lee is a secure guy who goes out and gets the women he wants but in his book reveals an insecurity. “You’re not only shooting up- you’re shooting up Jack Daniels.”
Lee also shot coke and heroin. “Those were the days,” he laughs. Lee said it was after the Jack Daniels episode that he realized he was done with drugs. “This is enough.” Artie Lange said he’s tried snorting Jack Daniels. “And it goes right to your head- you feel like you’re having an aneurism. But you get a mellow high from it that doesn’t last too long.”
Lee said you can derive the same effect from smoking a cigarette through your nose. Stern said he did it back in the day when he had a four pack a day habit. “It’s called a French Curl.” Lee said your eyes tend to tear up. “It wakes you up a little bit- it burns like hell.” Artie demonstrated and said he got a little buzz.
Stern wondered if Lee was feeling competitive because his ex, Pamela Anderson wrote a book that made it to No. 20 on the Best Seller lists. Lee said it didn’t matter to him. “It’s kind of weird- it wasn’t intentional. We just ended up doing a book project at the same time.”
Stern then asked him about Jesse Jane. “We’re just really good friends,” Lee explained. “I’ve had sex with her but she’s not my girlfriend. I’m a single man; I have lots of girlfriends to play with but she’s not my girlfriend.” Asked how the sex was with Jane, Lee said. “Unbelievable oral- she’s got it together. She’s a professional.” Noting that because she is a “professional” Lee reflected that he probably could never love her and agreed with Stern that it disturbs him. “She’s really cute, though, isn’t she?” Lee said. “She’s stunning.” Lee said their sex is just for fun. Stern asked if it disturbed him that Kid Rock is now with Jane. “A buddy of mine saw her with him,” Lee said. “It doesn’t bother me because we’re friends but I found that interesting. Maybe she wants to be Pamela- I don’t know.” Stern mentioned that Jane had been in Kid Rock’s videos. “Maybe he had her first.” Lee said that was possible but didn’t check.
Stern suggested that Lee should write notes on private parts so that Kid Rock could read them. Back to the drugs issue, Stern was curious what the effect of injecting Jack Daniels would have after having done a speed ball. “What does that do to you?” Lee suspected that at the time the reason for doing it is that Jack was the only thing left in the room. “We’re, like, let’s see what happens.” Stern asked if the thought occurred that Jack in your veins could kill you. Lee said at that point when you’re high that’s not a consideration.
Lee said the reason for the book is that he’s kept quiet on a lot of things. “At this point in my life- midway- why not. Document it up to here and maybe there’s some chance out there that once everything’s out on the table, people can stop asking me stupid ass questions and we can all turn the page and move on to the next phase. Here- it’s out there in the book. I don’t have to answer that stupid question any more.”
Lee also said that his relationship with Pam Anderson is better now than it’s ever been. “We got to soccer games. She comes over swimming with the kids.” Stern mentioned a passage in Lee’s book that Kid Rock urged Anderson to get full custody of the kids. “You blame him for that- you could never be friends with him again.” Lee said probably not but the issue wouldn’t come down to either blows or words. “I don’t think I have enough time or energy to deal with that.” On the other hand, Lee wouldn’t put it past Anderson to blame Rock for that.
Stern put it out there that you could do a Six Degrees of Separation to Lee as far as women Lee banged and demonstrated by linking Russell Crowe, as a for instance, to Jenna Jameson. Stern wondered who was better in bed- Jane or Jameson. Lee immediately said Jane then, upon reflection, backed off.
“Nah, you know what- I can’ say that. That’s going to be a tie. I’d say their both equal because they both have different talents.” Asked what Jameson’s talent was, Lee didn’t know how to say it on radio.
Gary Dell’Abate said Jenna in her book went in and out of consciousness when she was having sex with Lee. “I think she was drinking- she kept waking up during it.” Lee wondered if Jameson mentioned in her book that she just got her clitoris pierced. “As we were making love, it got lost. I retrieved it.”
Stern wondered what makes a girl great with actual sex. “That she’s active? She moves around it.” Lee said yes, and through in the fact if they talk dirty. “It’s a bonus.”
Referencing the size of his cock, Stern said one of the interesting things about the Pam & Tommy Lee video is the fact that Lee drives the car with his cock. “And really it is impressive. Have you ever measured?” Lee said he hasn’t. Stern then asked who was better in bed, Anderson or Lee’s first wife, Locklear. “Why are you doing this to me?” Lee moaned. “Can we pass?” Given the deserted island question, Lee said he would bring Anderson. Given the choice of Locklear and Carmen Electra, Lee said he’d take Locklear. “Because I had a very nice relationship with her for seven years.” But Lee wouldn’t make a distinction as to who was hotter in bed.
Stern said he was shocked to learn that Lee had dated Pink for awhile. “She’s a female version of me,” Lee explained. Asked if that meant she had a big penis, Lee said she was hot but wouldn’t rate her against Electra. Lee said Pink was crazy and fun but has a real relationship with her current boyfriend. Asked to compare Jameson and Pink, Lee said it was terrible. “I can’t believe you’re making me do this.”
Asked if kept records like a serial killer, Lee said no and refused to compare Jameson and Pink. It was noted that Lee had gone to jail for a time but was put in isolation. “They didn’t want anything bad to happen to you.” Lee said he was put in solitary. “It’s very bizarre.” It was written in the book, that immediately after Lee got out, he procured two white hookers. “I hated it,” he said. “I didn’t want to deal with anybody that I knew.” Lee said he’s never had a hooker or paid for sex until that point in his life. “It was terrible.” Lee paid $1,000 and on hindsight thinks he should have gotten a black-white combo.
Asked if he’s had Paris Hilton, Lee said he hasn’t. “I’ve seen her toes and I’m a toe guy. And she’s got some kind of jacked up toes. I can’t do it. A girl could be Miss America and the first thing I do- this might sound strange- the first thing I do is look down at their feet. If their toes are busted, it’s off.”
Lee said he’ll suck and chew on toes/feet. Stern brought up the famous recent instance of when Heather Locklear was on Regis and slipped by mentioning Lee’s name in connection with a sex episode. “Were you complimented by that? Were you served ego-wise?” Stern wanted to know. “I thought that was awesome,” Lee laughed.
Lee also appears in a new reality show where he goes to college. Asked if he actually studies, Lee said he does American Lit and Horticulture. “I love plants and trees- that’s one thing nobody knows about me.” Lee figured he’d ace the course because he’s a tree freak. “But when I get to Nebraska none of the trees are the same as they are in California.” Lee, however, flunked a bush ID quiz that Stern ran by him. Lee said the whole purpose of going to college was to make a fun show and learn a little. Stern said he was surprised that the college would allow the disruption of Lee being on campus. “With you and camera crews.” Lee said the administration has been very gracious.
Asked about Tawny Kittaen, Lee said Kittaen’s a fun girl. “There’s something about those redheads.” Lee was surprised to learn that Kittaen had OJ for a lover. “I thought that was Marcus Allen.”
Stern notes that Lee’s book features nude pictures of himself and told Lee Dave Navarro did likewise. Lee seemed surprised. “Dave’s in love with himself,” said Stern. Asked why he did it, Lee said he likes being naked. Stern suspected that the book was sending a message that it’s more fun to play the field. Lee said that if he’s in love he’s totally monogamous.
“I love being in love but I also love being single and having a blast.” Stern imagined the feeling of having a chick sliding her hand down you pants is one you can’t put aside. “That’s a tough thing to give up. There’ so many beautiful women out there it’s frightening.”
It was also mentioned that Lee, in the book, states that he never saw a penny from the Pam & Tommy Lee tape. “They’re saying that video made $77 million.” Lee confirmed that he never cut a deal and never saw a dime.
“I wish I could say that we got a big, gigantic, fat multi-million dollar check that we deposited into our kids’ account.”