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from – THE City of Sydney lord mayoral campaign is about to get steamy as adult entertainer Zahra Stardust whips up her campaign.
Ms Stardust – a long-term member of the Sex Party and feminist porn star – is no stranger to the political world, having run for the senate in the 2010 federal election.
With three degrees under her garter and having worked for the UN, Ms Stardust said her campaign would be based on improving human rights and ensuring civil liberties.
“The Sex Party is a party that I am really passionate about,” Ms Stardust said.
“Some of the platforms for my campaign include preventing the government’s plan for internet censorship, equal access to reproduction technologies, introducing laws that don’t discriminate against groups, a comprehensive sex education curriculum, and decriminalising abortion.”
Ms Stardust said she would also like to re-evaluate the zoning rules for sex industry businesses throughout the city.
With six out of the eight registered candidates for Sydney lord mayor being female, Ms Stardust hopes more females will move into positions of power.
“We need a bit of pink in politics,” she said. “Often in parliament we have white, male, middle-aged Christian bodies and I think these people are not necessarily the best choice for the voice of the city and it is essential we have people from different cultures, backgrounds and ethnicities being represented.”