PORT CLINTON, Ohio — The number of felony sex charges against a local man increased from two to 143 Monday after a teen girl told authorities he repeatedly assaulted her.
A grand jury indicted Raymond Taylor Jr., 33, 2096 Sand Road, Portage Township, in Ottawa County Common Pleas Court on 71 counts of rape, 60 counts of sexual battery and 10 counts of disseminating matter harmful to juveniles. Those charges have been added to the original April indictment on two felony counts of rape, Ottawa County Prosecutor Mark Mulligan said.
“The first indictment was to get control of the situation while the second investigation was going on,” Mulligan said.
After the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office and Ottawa County Department of Job and Family Services investigated the girl’s allegations further, authorities took more evidence to a grand jury, Mulligan said. That evidence included more dates of when the alleged offenses happened, he said.
Taylor is charged with having sex with the 15-year-old girl at least twice a week for the past year and having other sexual contact with her since she was 9 at Port Clinton- and Oak Harbor-area homes, according to court records. The prosecutor’s office offered Taylor a plea deal, but he rejected it, Assistant Prosecutor Lorrain Croy said.
“My client maintains his innocence,” said Taylor’s attorney, Thomas DeBacco of Port Clinton. “We look forward to our day with a jury in Ottawa County.”
Taylor’s trial is June 22 in Ottawa County Common Pleas Court. Jury selection begins at 8:30 a.m.
If convicted, he faces life in prison.
DNA testing on a used condom authorities found in the Oak Harbor-area home where the girl said some of the alleged incidents took place contained Taylor’s and the girl’s DNA, according to court records. The Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation returned the test results Monday, records show.
Authorities began investigating Taylor April 14 after the girl told her school guidance counselor Taylor had been having sex with her, according to court records.
She told investigators Taylor dressed her in maid lingerie outfit, showed her pornographic movies, offered to order her sex toys from an adult catalogue, took naked photographs of her and gave her a nude photo of him, according to court records.
The contact started with touching when she was younger and continued to escalate over the years to intercourse, she told investigators. He told her when she turned 18 he would marry her, she told investigators.
He also told her he wore condoms because he did not want her to become pregnant, she told investigators.
The girl said she did not tell anyone about the alleged incidents because he told her to keep quiet, she told Harrell. She also was afraid Taylor would hurt her if she told anyone.
“(The girl) stated that she did say no and tried to say no other times, but he insisted,” according to sheriff’s office Detective Amy Harrell’s report. “Also Raymond would tell her she wants to do it.”