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London- from – There’ll be no sex show at the Western Fair District this fall, sparking both anger and relief.
The London exhibition complex said Friday it won’t rent its Progress Building to organizers of the Everything to do with Sex Show. The show has been held there the last two years, provoking criticism and debate about the organization’s mandate, the appropriateness of such a show and the impact of pornography on women.
“In light of our new strategic direction and the rebranding of our organization we have reviewed our menu of shows and events and concluded that this particular show is not a good fit,” said Hugh Mitchell, chief executive of the recently renamed Western Fair District said in a news release.
In the release, the Western Fair District — formerly Western Fair — is described as “the east-end entertainment anchor to London’s core and will prove to be a viable partner in the economic, social and cultural future of London and the region of Southwestern Ontario. “
But show organizer Mikey Singer said he’s “thoroughly disgusted and disappointed” by the move not to hold the event, just two months before the show was to open Sept. 30 and after three months of preparations.
“I don’t know how a vocal minority can set a moral authority for Londoners and what people can or can’t do,” said Singer, saying their statistics show support for the show far outweighs the opposition.
“People who come to the show realize what we’re about and it has very little to do with porn. The people of London have spoken and they want us there.”
Singer said he’ll review legal options and search for a new location.
The announcement was welcomed, but not applauded, by Megan Walker, executive director of the London Abused Women’s Centre.
“It should never have happened in the first place,” she said.
“This show is sponsored by the pornography industry and we don’t believe the Western Fair, which is supposed to be non-profit and providing support for the agricultural industry and entertainment and fun for the whole family, including children, should be involved in it.”
Walker said 83% of abused women who seek help from the centre reported being sexually assaulted as part of their abuse while 31% said pornography is part of the sexual violence they suffered.
She said women who work in the pornography business last an average three months and emerge with post-traumatic stress disorder equal to that of Vietnam War veterans, and sexually transmitted diseases, not to mention physical injuries.
“When there’s such a great power imbalance in a relationship, you don’t have the opportunity to give consent, to choose, to be in the porn industry,” she said.
The Sexual Assault Centre of London had operated an information booth at The Everything to do with Sex Show, calling it a way to reach out to abused women and to educate them.