from – Oct. 31 to Nov. 7 is White Ribbon Against Pornography Week, sponsored by Morality in Media of NYC, an organization dedicated to combat pornography.
As chairman of its greater New York committee back in the sixties, I testified before President Johnson’s commission on obscenity and pornography, before the Hill-Link Minority Committee, which concluded that there is a causal relationship between pornography and anti-social behavior. This resulted in the 1973 Supreme Court ruling in Miller v. California that obscenity is not protected by the First Amendment.
Pornography in varying degrees is all around us: on TV, movies, advertising, fashions and the Internet. We are constantly faced with the dangling of the feminine form in various stages of undress as bait before the public eye, luring and tempting the vulnerable. Pornography appeals to one of nature’s most potent human forces, which can get out of control and restraint becomes impossible, it spills over into rape, child molestation and murder.
When will the mothers of America cry out against the child molesters who are victimizing their children? Having them registered is not the solution. Have them jailed for a good long while and not in a country club atmosphere either. Let’s do the same with the pornographers.
When will the decent women of America cry out against those who exploit them for monetary and lustful gain? When will they cry out against those traitorous women who lend themselves to exploitation, making all women potential victims?
The public can press for the enforcement of existing federal laws against pornography by contacting local and state legislators. We must take action.