GRANDVILLE, California — California ministers Craig Gross and Mike Foster decided to take action against the effects of pornography three years ago. It started with an eye-catching website,
Now, their work is the subject of a new documentary titled “Missionary Positions”. It follows the two men as they confront pornography head-on at adult expo shows in Las Vegas and in Amsterdam’s infamous “Red Light District”.
“They’ve tried to legislate morality, and it really hasn’t worked,” said Foster. “And they’ve tried to protest, and those types of methods are not the methods that are connecting with people.”
Foster and Gross premiered the documentary at Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville on Sunday. It’s one of the first times the movie’s been shown before a public audience.
And by most accounts, it was a receptive audience.
“It’s the Jesus story,” said Steve Argue. “People loving people where they’re at.”
Julie Harkless put it this way: “They’re doing God’s work. They’re changing lives for God.”