XXX responds to Tim Case who was responding to XXX’s original letter: I never realized that the job description for a waitress was the same as that of a porn star. The next time I dine out should be an even more enjoyable experience than usual. Porn stars, rightly so or not, have placed themselves in a position to be sexually harassed.
It astonishes me to read that when porn stars pose for half-nude photos with fans at a convention or strip club and a fan cops a feel, that porn star somehow feels violated and angry by that fan’s action. Come on, people see their videos and read the interviews, you’re not stupid, you know what the general public thinks of these women. If Stuart Wall did what has been alleged, sure, he crossed the line. There should be some sort of professionalism, if that’s possible, in this industry. But I will stand by my statement that if he would have been willing to pay cash there would not be this uproar. So take off the white hat you donned and get a reality check.