BC writes: On 2-17-2004 your publication ran an article on “Mark” who is really Trey Kaiser of Dark Star Video. He was recently convicted of making terrorist threats toward one of his “models”. He was also convicted of 5 counts of pimping. He served four months in jail and has a 3 year suspended prison sentence. His business is nothing more than a front to dupe women into having sex with him. Your article was entirely accurate.
Coggsie writes: Not an article, but another small note about Lori Alexia…she is NOT Miss Nude USA 2004, that honor belongs to Jada Deville (www.JadaDeville.com, www.continentalagency.com, www.thefloatingworld.com). Lori was Miss Nude USA 2003, however she was “stripped” from her title for the aforementioned roadie beating. Lori, along with Lauren Cain, are both fraudently claiming the title.
Dana writes: Believe it or not, what she’s [Tiana Lynn] saying actually makes some sense. Talk to an M.D. to confirm, but my understanding is some people can have Hep C and fight it off, leaving only the antibody behind. If this is true for her, she’s really lucky – it’s a small percentage of those who contract the virus, but it does happen. But why is Mitch being so quiet? As always, love the site.