Porn Valley- Tom Zupko is telling Nicki Hunter on KSEX Tuesday night that the scene he shot her in for Ass-ylum is one of the best he’s ever done. And that’s saying something because Zupko has turned out some beauts in his career.
In making the intros, Guy Capo stated that he’s long been and admirer of Zupko’s work. Capo ticked off a litany of Zupko titles: Days of Whore, The Opera, The Circus…
“You’re a fuckin’ freak my man,” said Capo admiringly. “You’re a freak of nature, and that is why this industry and me in particular love you to death. You are legendary in every degree for what you’ve done in the past.” Capo wanted to tap into some personal Zupko. “I don’t know you from God. When did you lose your mind. Who gave you your first job and what fuckin drugs were THEY on?”