Mike South writes on www.mikesouth.com – This one had been brewing for a while says my source at Adam and Eve.
The source said her behavior had been become a liability, she was increasingly difficult to work with and we got tired of being treated like one of her “Johns”. Her escorting was putting the company in a bad light and it was decided not to renew her contract.
Apparently in certain circles at Adam and Eve she was referred to as “Miss Piggy” after a story I did calling her the biggest pig in porn.
Word is Adam and Eve will quietly let all of the current contracts expire and get out of the contract girl biz altogether.
Bree will no doubt become popular again in the gonzo market but it may come as a shock to her how much the rates have dropped. She will do just fine but once the novelty of her Adam and Eve contract wears off work at high rates may become difficult for her to find.