QQQ writes: Just read the Alana Evans story about Hep-C. I can’t confirm, but I would bet my house that Mitchell has Hep-C. Her last movie was Hustler’s World’s Luckiest Patient. A condoms only flick BTW, but Mitch ate a little pussy and had her pussy eaten, if I recall. How funny it would be to find out that Mitchell had Hep-C when she made that flick, thus possibly exposing about 100 girls and one guy to it. THAT may be one reason why AIM has been so fucking quiet about this. I’m telling you something is there. Signed QQQ
Mastrick writes: Hi Gene, It was very apparent listening to Alana and Chris that their understanding of Hep C is impaired at best. The CDC’s website clearly states that Hep C is transmitted blood to blood, that it cannot be transmitted by means such as oral sex. Furthermore, neither of the Evans mentioned the fact that Tianna is working condom-only until definitive test results come in.
Chris and Alana also completely ignored comments that questioned AIM-tested performers such as Arianna Jollee and Lisa Sparxxx working with non-AIM tested performers in Poland and the Czech Republic. Chris Evans also casually brushed off the fact that he got clymidia from doing an unprotected anal scene with multiple partners. He acted as though it was the common cold!
It was very evident that both of the Evans need to do more research before they weigh in and make fools of themselves as they did on KSEX Thursday night. If their intentions were to be divisive and inaccurate, they succeeded admirably in both respects.
Gene sez: Dear Mastrick, I’ll be the first to admit that I, along with most of the world’s population, don’t know diddley-squat about HCV. But after reading that piece yesterday about how oral sex can give you syphilis, I sure as shit wouldn’t go down on anyone who had Hep-C, HCV or anything else with three initials until I had some real edgy-cation.
I heard the KSEX show Thursday night and I don’t think the Evans’ made fools of themselves at all. It stands to reason that they’re not clinical experts. But, are you? And, if so, please educate the unwashed masses, here. What Alana, as a performer in this business, was doing was voicing righteous indignation over AIM’s reticence in the Tianna Lynn matter. I know you’re a frequent listener to KSEX, but I don’t recall you weighing in on the fact that Tianna contradicted herself mightily on several occasions during her appearance on KSEX last week. Allow me to quote Tianna: “… because if I did have it, she can’t say that I have it so therefore she can’t say that I don’t have it..”
Well, that clears it up for me. All of which prompts me to think that if this woman isn’t versed on her own condition, imagine what’s going through the minds of others who might or have worked with her. Alana, pointing that very thing out, simply raised questions and issues from that standpoint. And Chris is an author of black humor so you have to weigh his remarks with the cynical factor tossed in. I applaud the Evans’ for putting it out there. After all, they’re the ones, not you, taking the daily risks. My personal opinion is that Tianna Lynn should not be working at all until the industry is presented with her clean bill of health.
But we wouldn’t have known any of this, would we, if a little birdie hadn’t told me. And that’s what makes all of this the more disturbing.
You state that Chris and Alana completely ignored comments questioning AIM-tested performers such as Arianna Jollee and Lisa Sparxxx working with non-AIM tested performers in Poland and the Czech Republic. I assume you meant remarks made in the KSEX chatroom. But I notice you, likewise, ignored Alana’s comments about Jacklyn Lick which I think were quite decisive in putting her case over that AIM’s operating with separate sets of rules. You know- what’s good for the goose is good for the gander and all that.
That aside, it’s the Evans’ show and their prerogative to do what they wish. Were I in their shoes, I would have done exactly the same thing as they until I had more information at my disposal about the Jollee and Sparxxx’s shoots. But one thing you can bet on- if any complications surface from those, you can quote a line from The Outlaw Josey Wales: Hell’s coming to breakfast.