Porn Valley- In the world of much ado about nothing, Alexis Amore brought another refugee to the population. On her monthly KSEX show, Amore went to “clear the air” concerning her recent appearance on the Howard Stern Show.
We didn’t realize that the air needed clearing but apparently Amore thought so. “I’ve been hearing some gossip,” said Amore who was on Stern a couple of weeks ago. Amore said some gossip sites “totally misinterpreted” her appearance. “They wrote something totally different than what really happened.”
[Besides Adultfyi which didn’t even touch on the subject Amore alludes to, I guess this includes the Stern website because Amore went on to deliver a semantically different account than what both our sites offer. Otherwise, I don’t know of any other sites that offered the play-by-play.]
Amore said she flew to New York to host a party with Gina Lynn. “She’s staring her own production company- she’s still under contract with Club- but she has her own production. The whole deal was Gina and I were going to go on Howard together to promote Gina Lynn Productions.” Amore said it was alright with her as long as Amore got to promote her own site. Amore states that a few days before she flew to New York, she learned that Stern apparently didn’t want Lynn on because she was there a few months back. “He wanted me by myself.” Amore claims as soon as she got to the studio, she was told she was going to spin the wheel of sex.
“Let me clear the air out about what happened,” Amore continued. “I was already there. It was six in the morning. I didn’t feel like going back to LA and crying. I knew if I flaked and said, no, it was going to be everywhere that I flaked. I’m going to look bad.” Amore said she’d be a good sport. “But there were things on that freakin’ wheel that I didn’t appreciate- like sniffing somebody’s ass or me running errands in a bikini with a dildo…there were certain things that I said, fuck.” Co-ho Olivia O’Lovely said it was fucked up that Amore got set up like that.
[Girls: it’s Stern. That’s what you’re buying into when you accept an invite to the show.]
Amore said she was there for an interview but didn’t know the details of the switch. “I knew I was going to do something bad but I didn’t know it was going to be THAT bad.” Amore said Stern didn’t like her tattoos.
“That was the only thing. He was totally stunned by the fact that I was Peruvian and was doing porn.” There seemed to be a division on what Amore was actually supposed to do. Amore claims that Stern told her to go ahead and plug and not bother spinning the wheel. “But Robin wanted me to spin the wheel.” Amore said the wheel required her to eat eatable underwear. I don’t even know the guy’s name. [It was High Pitch Erik].”
Amore described Erik as being “weird” with the fact that the underwear was melting on him. “So he put like a piece of roll-up. I was a smart girl. I went on my knees and pulled the roll-up by my teeth and I dropped it on the floor. That’s exactly what happened. It fell on the floor and I didn’t eat it.”
Amore said Anabolic was a little hurt because I didn’t plug them. [Neither KSEX]. I made them understand later on that it wasn’t the way it was supposed to be. I was there with Gina and that didn’t happen.
“Long story short,” continued Amore, “they ended up writing on the Internet that I eat it. No I did not. I did not eat shit.”
[The Stern site words it thusly: “Alexis got on her knees and started to eat the roll-up until it fell off him.”]
Amore said next time she’ll find out all the details before she flies out to New York. Amore said while Stern was cool she realizes you have to do “extra stuff” for the sake of radio to make it entertaining.