Porn Valley- There’s a contest going on the internet right now to determine the hottest girl in porn, I spoke to one of the contestants, Anjelica Lauren [pictured]. Lauren claims she’s getting the wet wedgie, but it’s not for me to decide if she is or isn’t. Although this is what she’s telling me.
Lauren’s in this contest that pits five girls among each other each week. The winner of the week then goes on to the finals where she competes against the other 51 winners. Lauren hasn’t lost, though. That’s the point. She was the winner of her week in March and so is in another competition to see who wins Miss March. That winner will be featured in a calendar. And that contest is still going on. It ends April 30.
Except Lauren’s of the opinion that there’s skullduggery in the ballot box and that votes are being manipulated in favor of one of her competitors for the Miss March title. That being Lori Lost. Lauren claims that Lust is giving blowjobs to Steve Nelson of Adult Industry News. Not that Nelson would openly admit that he was getting blowjobs even if asked. Nonetheless, this is the conclusion Lauren has reached:
“Basically what’s going on is I won for my week,” Lauren explains. “Me and Lori Lust are fighting for the hottest girl in March. What’s happening is Lori Lust is hanging out with a connection of this site.” According to Lauren she, herself, accumulated 12,000 votes in her victory week according to what she was told by one of the contest’s organizers. Except when the official tallies were announced, Lauren somehow was announced as getting 2,000 and the 12,00 instead went to Lori Lust, according to Lauren.
“Steve [Nelson] wrote the company press release [on March 14] about her [Lust],” says Lauren. “It’s a lie. Basically it says she wins the hottest girl in porn contest. Which she didn’t. She only won her week.”
The press release on AI News states the following: “According to Paul St. Clair the owner of the site He said “After I added her [Lust’s] pictures my site views went from 10,000 a day to 20,000 a day for that week. Then she wins with over 12,300 votes which is a mind blowing record on the site. Nobody even came close to that since I invented the site. Then I looked over the past 55 girls who have been on the site for months and in just one week she is fourth overall viewed girl already. I’ve seen the girl in person and thought she could easily embody the title Hottest Girl in Porn but after the contest I don’t think I’m the only one out there that thinks that.”
Lauren says that 12,300 tally is suspect and feels the Miss March outcome would be as well.
“The 12,300 was my amount,” says Lauren. “Lori Lust only got 2,000 votes. This whole thing is all bullshit. And I spoke to the guy Paul St. Clair and he said the guy that is doing this, Steve, is putting words in his mouth.
“It’s not fair,” Lauren continues. “Me and Lori are fighting to get on the calendar. She’s getting a lot of false press from the guy she’s blowing. Paul told me it was Steve who does all the writing on Adult Industry News. Well Steve is on Lori’s side and he’s not only making it unfair for me, but he’s making it unfair for the rest of the girls. Because what Paul told him to do was to put every girl who wins for their week up on his site saying [for example] Devyn Devine won for her week. Devyn is a pretty girl but she’s a little too big.
“But Steve’s not putting each girl up there. Meanwhile all he has is Lori Lust constantly up there with this tremendous article that is not true. He’s saying I’ve seen this girl in person and she definitely can embody the title and I’m not the only one who thinks that. The guy, Paul, is basically saying that I’m one of his top five which I believe. And he told me his top five but obviously not having any control with this writing. he’s telling the guy [Nelson] and he’s not listening. [Which doesn’t make a lot of sense.] This girl is taking credit for the 12,000 votes that I got and she’s getting blown up.”