Looks like TMZ is taking a swipe at RadarOnLine.
from www.tmz.com – Charlie Sheen’s manager, who minutes ago [Sunday] left Charlie’s home, tells TMZ reports that Charlie could die this week are “reckless lies.”
Mark Burg tells us … after reports surfaced that Charlie was coked out of his mind, cavorting with hookers and in a fast death spiral … he went to Charlie’s house, entered a side door and saw Charlie sitting on the couch eating a turkey sandwich, saying, “Way to knock, dude.”
Burg says he asked Charlie about the report he was at death’s door and “Charlie looked at me like I was nuts.”
Burg says Charlie plans on handing out lots of Halloween candy … because his neighborhood gets besieged by trick-or-treaters.
Burg added, “He looked as normal as he’s looked in a long time.”
Burg says Charlie not only said he’d be on the set Tuesday for “Two and a Half Men,” he impatiently asked when he was going to get a copy of the script.