Porn Valley- I spoke to Dino Bravo this morning who gave me a point-by-point rebuttal of the charges made against him yesterday by porn company owner Sandy Bunz.
Bravo, a porn performer who also worked as a salesman for Bunz- for a year, claims Bunz owes him money. Bunz is counter-claiming that assertion alleging that Bravo used the Bunz warehouse as a private enterprise system for backdooring product. Bravo is saying that Bunz is full of shit and also lobbed into the conversation something to the effect that Bunz, according to Bravo, is a convicted felon. “Real estate fraud, didn’t you know?” asks Dino.
In one claim Bunz said something about Bravo stealing documents from Mike Esposito. Bravo’s not denying that. “It’s true- that’s ancient history,” says Bravo. “I was employed by Gentlemen’s Video. I left that company and I took a sales list. That list was returned within 72 hours by Rob Spallone. That story was covered by Simply Jimmy D. That’s water under the bridge. I shook hands with Mike and have talked to him several times about that.”
On another issue Bravo said he was formerly employed by Best Parts Video and Mark Duhl. “I never stole a fuckin’ thing from him,” swears Dino. “Mark has contacted me numerous times to come back and sell fo him. In fact Mark called me at Sandy Bunz’s place and asked me if I wanted to work part time for him after I left Sandy’s. He asked me if I wanted to sell for him after I left there, from 4 till 7. I left on good terms with Mark and never took a damn thing from him. And Mark actually hooked me for $67 in commissions which I don’t give a fuck about and that’s two years ago.”
On a point that’s a nebulous one, Dino admits that he sold an account to Dr. John whereas Bunz claims it was John Coil and that Bravo made off with a $4,000 sale in the process. Dr. John, however for the record, is John Haltom.
“I never sold John Coil,” Bravo states. Bravo said he has the commission statements to prove that Bunz was in the loop on the deal.
“That commission was authorized by Sandy Bunz on Friday, Dec. 19th,” Bravo states. “He even shook my hand after I made the commission. It was a $756 commission. I sold seven stores, each store was a $108 commission. Sandy gave me the okay to do it.”
In all of this Bravo is saying that he’s suing Bunz in small claims court for $5,000. “He owes me $6,658.60,” says Bravo. “If he’s all uptight about the Dr. John commission he can wipe it off the fuckin’ record becaue I’m only going to get five grand out of the case anyway.”
But the issue that has Dino really incensed is Bunz’s assertions that Dino backdoored product to Majestic. “They’re out of business,” Bravo relates. “They were owned by a guy named Simon Ross and Eric, an Israeli. Nancy who now works for Tommy Sinopoli with Toby Damit. I’m willing to bring this thing front and center. Let’s contact Nancy and the guy I contacted at Majestic to fill Sandy’s orders.” Bravo claims never to have made a penny from going over to Majestic.
“I went over to Majestic to help Sandy fill his customers’ orders-GameLink, Jaded Video- that’s the most ludicrous statement,” Bravo continues. “His company is so small, if I had been stealing product he would have known. We knew everything that was right in front of us. He had 24 video titles. We knew there was 18 of this, 6 of that, 9 of this. We knew how many DVDS- they were laying right in front of us on the floor. There weren’t even shelves there until I was there for nine months. I put the shelves in. We used to have the DVDS right in front of us on the floor. Everything was accounted for. It was such a small fuckin’ place and he lives there in his warehouse. Did you know that? How could I have stolen something when he’s there all the time. I never took a thing from that place.
“What was Sandy going to do when he had a five-piece order, get a 1,000 pieces duplicated from the duplicator? What happened was Majestic had our products from somebody else. We would sell product to say, EVN, and they would trade that product with Majestic. That’s how they got the products- from trades. All Majestic did was trade for product with people. They’re since out of business. Harvey would be the one to contact from Value Video so I would encourage an open and thorough investigation of this. Let’s get Harvey on the phone. Let’s get Eric on the phone. All I did was trade piece for piece.”
Bravo also bristles at the Bunz notion that he didn’t have a bank account. Bravo says he has two bank accounts. “I don’t like banks,” Bravo concedes. “Banks are the biggest fucking crooks in the world. I do not like dealing with banks and Sandy knows that. Bravo also goes on to detail his stock portfolio, although from the story I heard from Porn Star Karaoke last night, Dino refused to cough up the door fee to get in claiming that he was a big star in the business.
Bravo also claims Bunz is perjuring himself when he says that Dino has big gambling debts. Bravo says the story originates from AEE when Bravo won $3300 at the craps table at The Venetian. “I got lucky. Sandy and I then went over to Caesars. I bought a pair of $225 Italian leather shoes. And I bought him dinner that night at Cafe Lux. I don’t understand this.”
Bravo challenges you to come up with any open accounts that he has either in Vegas or on Indian reservations. “I don’t owe any casino any fucking money. That’s the most ludicrous statement that I’ve ever heard in my life that I’m a compulsive gambler. If I’m a gambler every time I go on a shoot I’m taking a gamble. I might catch Chlamydia.”
On the late for work issue, Bravo says he and Bunz had a standing agreement. “I ran that place from top to bottom,” says Dino. “I had every account, every person on the back of my hand. I knew when to call them. I have it documented. I have the calendar from February ’04 that I took from my desk with all the contacts. Whoever it was I had them all on a very systematic calling basis. I knew who got what and who was on automatic for each release. I had that place running perfect for him.”
On the other hand, Bravo’s saying Bunz had 16 titles. “How much can one guy sell to people? For me to go to work 9:30 or ten o’clock, I wasn’t missing anything. The work got done.” Bravo said the arrangement was he could leave any time he wanted for a shoot. “As long as the work got done and the product went out the door.”
Bravo said as time goes on you’re on the phone less. “You get into a structure. I knew when to call everybody.”
Bravo suggests that Bunz also be questioned about Direct Distributors. “That’s an account I opened up,” says Dino. “Sandy gave me the okay to authorize that. The guy was on a Net 30 and it took him 120 days to pay. Sandy was pissed off because of that. But we sold him anyway and Sandy gave me the authorization to do it.
“And he said I’m a gossip mongrel?” Bravo asks, oblivious to the malaprop. “If I’m a gossip mongrel my name would be floating out on all these websites every day of the week.”
Bravo said if KSEX provides the forum, Bravo is willing to go to Sandy Bunz’s place and confront him with all his documentation. “I will eliminate all of these issues,” Bravo predicts. “I have nothing to hide. I will take a lie detector test about this thing that I stole product. If bullshit were music, Sandy Bunz would have two or three brass bands behind him.”