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Christy Canyon's Open Marriage to Porn Director Rob Spallone(Photos)

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Hey forum I just thought I would spill some beans and FYI on veteran porn performer  Christy Canyon's open marriage to porn film director Rob Spallone who has since retired from the porn industry. For people  that may not be aware Rob Spallone was a porn film director that directed mostly cheap low grade low quality fetish porn flicks most of the porn performers  he had in his films were busted and drugged out looking they looked like women he grabbed off the streets or prostitutes for hire. Most of the larger well known porn studios like Vivid, Wicked or Digital Playground didn't hire Rob Spallone as a director only low budget small porn studios that produce mostly fetish/niche porn like Pure Filth or Fat Dog employed Rob Spallone as a director. As soon as the porn film industry dried up in the San Fernando Valley  less and less movies were being produced cause of internet streaming and pirating a lot of the porn studios went out of business which meant Rob had to retire as a director. Rob Spallone became a bum living off of different girlfriends after his ex-wife left him and took their children and the little bit of money he made from directing porn with her and moved to New York. Rob tried to get a business to sell Italian Ice that didn't last. Rob meant Christy Canyon at a funeral they started dating and got married in October 2017. Rob Spallone marrying Christy Canyon was the equivalent of him hitting the lottery after they got married he moved into her 4 bedroom home in Studio City, California with her 3 adopted children.  Christy Canyon did not take Rob Spallone's last name '' Spallone" she still has the last name " Conway" from her previous marriage to a man named Grant Conway she only kept his last name to continue to stay on Grant's health insurance plan. Christy Canyon's legal name is Melissa Conway. Christy Canyon still has sex openly with other men while married to Rob Spallone the reason she has freedom to sleep with other men is cause she realizes how desperate Rob Spallone is for a woman to take care of him she knows that there are not other options out there for him so he has to just let a whore be a whore it's her way or the highway. Christy Canyon has a Sirius XM radio show where she discusses  all the sexual activities she does with other people including other porn performers  like Mr Marcus who she continues to have sex with even when Mr Marcus had syphillis Christy Canyon had unprotected sex with him. Christy Canyon has a open sexual relationship for over 21 years with   a 64 year old gay/bisexual male porn groupie named David LaRue that accompanies her at Exxxotica Conventions that goes by @Dave_In_Ohio  on Twitter she sleeps with a former military soldier named Bill another porn groupie that goes by @BillFromIraq on Twitter  and numerous other fans that she befriends and sleeps with. Her husband Rob is well aware of this but has to live with it cause Christy Canyon/Melissa Conway is his meal ticket he's living off of her for free so he can't bite the hand that feeds him. I just thought I share this info and some interesting pictures to go along with this. I feel sorry for the poor adopted children like who knows what could be going on in their heads i'm pretty sure they are aware of all the people that come in and out of their mothers bedroom. Also if  you noticed all of the men that Christy sleeps with are down and out ugly unnattractive men they are either fat sloppy grotesque with 8 chins like Rob or just old wrinkled and ugly like Dave and Bill not saying all old people are ugly but those 2 men are gross.

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Just responding with more photos couldn't put as much up as I wanted with the first draft but here are more photos of Christy Canyon with hubby Rob Spallone and people that she sleeps with outside of her marriage to Rob, If u want the original story scroll up one and  read the first draft.

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Another add on with more photos to backup my original story just wanna post more photos of porn whore Christy Canyon's outside sex partners that she sleeps with also like I stated this is with her husband Rob Spallone's knowledge and I  wanna put in a tweet that Christy Canyon shared with her Twitter followers on her Twitter page as she makes it no secret that she is a loose goosey whore that will sleep with anyone. Also I want to point out on the first photo posted of Christy Canyon showing her bikini wax  notice how the bottom of  her feet look dark and dirty look like she need to wash her feet and body first before she get any type of waxing done that’s disgusting. A person with a dirty body shouldn’t get waxing done on them at the same time.

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Vitamin_C has reacted to this post.

In few words, fag hag with a tranny fucker

Original_Iam_Blazing2020 and Vitamin_C have reacted to this post.

Hey forum it has come to my attention that someone has shared this thread with Christy Canyon on Twitter but I don't give a fuck and AdultFYI doesn’t either. If a lot of these porn whores like Christy Canyon didn't participate in questionable  behavior and put their business out there for the public to see and hear then they wouldn't get exposed by people like me or others on this website. I'm thankful that websites like AdultFYI were created as an alternative  to social media so people could exercise their right of free speech and news reporting to critique public figures without a filter or being censored. Christy Canyon shares her sex life and past sexual encounters about how she whores around with everyone from performers to civilians on her  Vivid Radio broadcast she even wrote an autobiographical book about it yet when people call her out about being a whore she runs to authorities claiming people are stalking her playing a fake victim.There are public photos  up of Christy Canyon fucking, performing oral sex on men and women, licking ass and urinating  on her Vivid Radio broadcast  and also on her Twitter Feed she does this all while being married and having 3 adopted children so nothing I post here is new. Get ready for more posts

Quote from Original_Iam_Blazing2020 on October 2, 2019, 1:17 am

What is your obsessing with her? What did she do to you? She is not married to Rob Spallone I checked the marriage and license at the city hall where she lives and their are no records of her being married to him. Show some proof not the fake crap that anyone can post on sites.

If you want anyone to believe what you say show real proof otherwise you are just fake news.

Original_Iam_Blazing2020 has reacted to this post.

So this is what you look like. No wonder you totalled your car.The Real Jada Cameo

Quote from justblaze2019 on October 7, 2019, 1:17 am
Quote from Original_Iam_Blazing2020 on October 2, 2019, 1:17 am

What is your obsessing with her? What did she do to you? She is not married to Rob Spallone I checked the marriage and license at the city hall where she lives and their are no records of her being married to him. Show some proof not the fake crap that anyone can post on sites.

If you want anyone to believe what you say show real proof otherwise you are just fake news.

JustBlaze2019 aka Todd Lamoureux or Jim Weiss from DMCA512 whichever one it is I knew you would respond to this thread being a White Knight for  whore Christy Canyon like you always do you won't give up ever since Christy Canyon embraced your ugly retarded acne face reject faggot ass you been on a crusade to defend that whore on every platform which is why you won't stop trolling me you know Christy Canyon is married to Rob Spallone it's not a secret anymore the whore cannot hide it here is a link to Rob Spallone's Facebook  and here is a link to Christy Canyon's Facebook you see the profile picture of Rob, Christy and her adopted children all together that's a family photo. Stop trolling my posts I understand your a fan of Christy Canyon and you don't want it to be known that Christy is married to Rob Spallone because of the disturbing information that's floating around on social media about Rob Spallone and how this could affect Christy Canyon's public image but Christy Canyon chose to marry that fucking scumbag bum that was her decision now she has to live with it. Rob Spallone also use to set up other porn producers for their porn shoot sets to get raided by Vice cops he’s a rat a drug dealer and coke user and many other things according to this interview article by AVN it’s worth a read.

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Quote from justblaze2019 on October 7, 2019, 1:31 am

So this is what you look like. No wonder you totalled your car.The Real Jada Cameo

JustBlaze2019 aka @hotdogg_toddd aka @Augustus2019 on Twitter legal name Todd Lamoureux you will not give up this trolling SMH your a die hard Christy Canyon fan your one of her reject loser faggot male fans that she befriended and  fucked years and years ago in PlayBoy Radio Studios that was the best day of your life it was the first time any female opened their legs to your ugly retarded reject ass, you put it all on your Twitter page how you fuck 2 dirty yeasty diseased low T-Cell count having faghag whores Christy Canyon and Nicki Hunter at Playboy Radio Studios. Todd your a lonely 44 year old man and yes you are physically  unnattractive and mentally slow but it's gotta be someone out there for you, find someone to be with and stop trolling me. Also like I told you in earlier posts go help your sister out in New England your sister Lisa the one with the 2 retarded sons your nephews need help make sure they don't grow up to be retarded reject losers that can't get no pussy or find a woman to be with so their only resort is to befriend porn performers  like their uncle Todd.

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Hey forum I wanna add to this thread and show and prove more that  porn performer Christy Canyon is married to porn film director  Rob Spallone. Recently there has been negative history on Rob Spallone that's been exposed on social media about him as he was not respected in the porn industry. Rob Spallone would rat to the vice cops on other porn film producers to get their porn shoot locations shut down, Rob was a coke addict, a drug dealer he use to pimp out porn actress Kendra Jade Rossi to escort and use her earnings to financially support his gambling, Rob is a former felon that did time in jail for felony spousal abuse on his ex-wife it’s all in this article  Christy Canyon has been quiet about her marriage to Rob out of guilt and shame. Christy Canyon made the decision to marry that fat nasty greasy bastard she made her bed now she has to lie in it. Christy Canyon and a few of her fuckboy faggot fans along with her fraud DMCA agent Jim Weiss of DMCA512 have been trolling me demanding to show marriage documents as proof of them being married LOL who needs marriage documents when its all over the internet if you google Christy Canyon Husband Rob Spallone's name pops up . There are tons of  family photos of her with Rob and thier adopted children on Facebook made public, there is no need for me to get marriage records. As I stated before Christy Canyon/Melissa Conway decided not to take the last name Spallone she kept the last name Conway of her ex-husband Grant Conway to keep his health insurance benefits. On Facebook Christy Canyon goes by her maiden name Melissa Bardizbanian. To make a long story short Christy Canyon is a pathological  liar she lies about everything its no wonder why her nose is so hideously big she's ashamed of being married to Rob Spallone cause of his criminal reputation. I’m gonna leave some public family photos up that they shared publicly on their Facebook profiles and I blocked the faces out of the children cause honestly I feel sorry for the adopted children they are in the care of some sleazy filthy diseased ridden parents that have no right to adopt children. One other note Christy Canyon is infertile cause of all the sexually transmitted diseases she caught during her 30 plus years in porn having unprotected sex on top of getting multiple abortions done to her which is why she couldn’t have children naturally which is a shame but she did it to herself. One last tidbit Jim Weiss who is a fraud DMCA agent that Christy Canyon hired to troll and spam AdultFYI message boards address is

127 Saint Tropez Court

Laguna Beach CA, 92651 his phone number is (949) 742-4773 Jim Weiss was also responsible for sending fraud DMCA Copyright notices to PornWikileaks. 

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