LOS ANGELES, CA– Can the church and the porn industry really work together? Founders of XXXchurch have always believed this could happen and it finally has.
The founders of XXXchurch.com, Mike Foster and Craig Gross, launched their site at the 2002 Adult Expo in Las Vegas and have used unconventional methods so far to promote their website. Besides attending and exhibiting at four porn shows, the pair have aired several commercials, purchased billboard and outdoor advertising in heavy traffic areas, and gone where the church is to scared to go.
The latest project is their new anti-porn commercial, which is to be filmed on Friday, February 20th. The commercial will be shot on a porn set at a porn studio and produced, directed, and edited by porn producer Jimmy D. “This is a huge breakthrough for us and we are thrilled to finally be working alongside the porn industry to create solutions, not more problems,” says Craig Gross.
Jimmy D says, “I am quite sure that producing porn has stunted me in more ways than I care to admit. I know it has stunted me-most assuredly psychologically. I’m also fairly sure there are porn fans out there that are obsessed with watching this stuff we make. And getting obsessed about anything usually has stunting consequences, in one way or another. Anyway, I went to XXXchurch.com and checked out what these particular anti-porn Christians had to say. And while I can’t say I’m ready to see the light, I’ll admit these people don’t come off as whacko zealots. And they seem to have a sense of humor and that is why I offered them my services for free.”
The commercial will star “Pete the Porno Puppet.” Mike Foster says, “It will be a hilarious commercial, but will drive home a huge point and a major concern of ours that pornography, which is an adult product, has become our children’s problem.”
The commercial will run nationwide as a PSA in late March. For more information on this project or the ministry of XXXchurch, log on to www.XXXchurch.com.