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Actor Esai Morales Shoots from the Hip

Porn Valley – NYPD Blue’s Esai Morales was a special guest on Jason Sechrest’s [] Young & The Curious Show on KSEXradio [] Friday night. Also representing the adult industry on the couch was Hall of Famer Shayla LaVeaux.

Answering a battery of sex questions that would make most men flinch, much less television and movie celebrities who tend to be highly guarded with their media responses, Morales was quite forthright and candid. At one point he was asked if he ever had a gay experience.

Sechrest said he told a lot of his friends that Morales would be on the show. “They think I’m gay don’t they?” Morales grinned. Sechrest said that wasn’t the case but they wanted to know if Morales has come close to having a gay sexual experience, either in college or experimenting.

“This is the kind of thing you regret,” said Morales, “because later on, on the Internet, one day, you said…” Morales’ voice trailed off but he was quick to acknowledge that he had “experiences.”

“I’m not ashamed of it. I’m very secure of my sexuality,” Morales answered. “But when you’re a young boy, pre-teen, whatever, and you’re with your friends…” Sechrest said his hole was twitching at the notion of pre-teen.

Morales said that the race among kids that age is to see who could be first. “It’s not even sexual. It’s more athletic if anything. It’s like look at the straw I drew,” he laughed noting that it’s no different from girls making out with one another in the bathroom.

Morales reemphasized that he was very comfortable with his sexuality. “I think you got to be comfortable with other peoples. That’s the root of the right wing fear and repression.” Taking a shot at the Bush administration policy on gay marriages, Morales said he thinks that everyone should be married to the one they love. Sechrest said it was wonderful to hear a comment like that from a celebrity.

“It’s the truth,” Morales continued, “and it’s so sad that, instead of building our infrastructure, instead of figuring out how to get more books into kids’ minds, or teaching children how to learn for themselves, we’re having fights about this and Janet Jackson’s breasts.

“What’s really sick about our society,” Morales went on to say, “is that our attitudes towards sex that’s more perverse than anything else we do. The act in of itself- my touching her breast her touching my leg or crotch- I don’t feel violated. But if I’m taught to feel violated, then I do. I think we have a society that pits people against each other, men against women; the sexes against each other, the rich against poor; black, white, every sort of differentiation, they’ll jump on it and sex it up.”

During his weekend notes segment, Sechrest reported that Adam & Eve was shooting a bi-movie. “I’m not supposed to say that to anyone but I’m saying it. It’s totally hush-hush and totally under cover,” Sechrest reported. “It’s fantastic. There’s going to be so many cool people in it. Mike Donner from All Worlds has been taken on to direct it.” Sechrest was under the impression that shooting wither started Friday or was slated for today.

LaVeaux was first up and said she had butterflies noting that Morales was going to be on the show. “I did some research. I figured out who he was.” LaVeaux admitted that she didn’t watch the show. LaVeaux also noted that Morales was in La Bamba where Morales played the brother. “I was always turned on by the bad boys and the naughty boys,” she said.

“I’m so that chick in the trailer park fucking pregnant- I go for guys like that.” Sechrest said he found a picture of Morales in a newsgroup from when he was about 19. Sechrest said he drooled over the picture. “He’s up, out of this world gorgeous.”

Asked how she felt about having the word “legendary” tagged on to her name, LaVeaux said she’s grown accustomed to it and honored to be considered one. “To have lasted this long and to have survived in this business which isn’t always so kin is a fabulous job to have.” LaVeaux’s now in her 11th year. Sechrest said the majority last about 11 says.

“They come and go and just do one shoot.” LaVeaux’s advice to newcomers is to come in having done your research. “And not needing this job for money and complete financial security,” she added. “Test the waters, try it out and have a back-up plan. Come into it open-minded and having a good time.”

LaVeaux said she’s seeing a trend towards more couples and girls going to college and getting an education. Sechrest said he heard that LaVeaux might join the ranks of stars who are having sex with fans on camera. “I’m very excited about it,” said LaVeaux who’ll pick the fan. LaVeaux said they could go to her website to get more information about it. “I’m also looking for couples,” she added. LaVeaux said she’s using this as content for her website,

LaVeaux’s said her website just got up a month ago. “For the 10th time, but now I have it full in control. It’s mine. I have people working for me, not with me and I’m really excited about it.” Besides that, LaVeaux said she’s on the road dancing a lot but that her site’s taking up a lot of time. LaVeaux added that she’s got something like 13 years worth of content on the site. “I’ve documented everything in my life. If I stopped shooting today I could update it like the next 3 years.”

LaVeaux also has content on there from before her time in the business to include early scenes from her private life including anal that were shot by her boyfriend at the time. “Like the first time I EVER had anal sex. It’s on the website and the first time I ever had sex with a girl which was his ex-girlfriend.”

Asked if she was attracted to the idea of two guys getting it on, LaVeaux replied, absolutely. LaVeaux said when she first got into the business she roomed together with some other girls- herself, Chasey Lain and Kaylin Nicole. “The gentleman who represented all of us in the business and who a manager of ours [Lucky Smith], we were all having dinner at his place. He started representing Asia Carrera and Ginger Lynn had come over for dinner and he was saying that they were doing the gay version of Shock. It was after I had finished shooting Shock myself. We were like, they are? We ant to go see. So we all piled into the car and went down to Trach Tech. Unfortunately it was a closed set because they were having wood problems.” LaVeaux said this maybe happened 9 years ago.

Sechrest remembers instances that when he got into the gay side of the business three years ago, he’d go onto a set and would want to bring a friend or an assistant who was a go. “They’re like, no, we can’t have women on a gay set because it would kill the wood. They were so frightened about that.” But Sechrest said everyone’s more comfortable about it now then they used to be.

Morales then came into the studio and Sechrest told him he was just as cute in person as on TV. Asked if he had even seen a movie with LaVeaux in it, Morales said he’d have to be honest, no. “I haven’t yet.” Morales said he just had his first love scene on NYPD Blue and that it aired last Tuesday. [It was censored in portions of the country.] Morales commented on the backlash the Janet Jackson incident has created.

“How stupid is that?” Morales asked. “She didn’t show anything that we haven’t seen on the cover of National Geographic and things like that.” Sechrest agreed and said it looked like something you’d see on National Geographic. “It sort of hangs down to the bellybutton.” Morales then contributed an oft-quoted sentiment.”You can show a man getting his head blown off on TV,” Morales commented, “but you can’t show a man getting blown. There ought to be a law.”

Sechrest said they went to black for a few seconds during the NYPD Blue airing when Morales had his brief nude scene. Then, according to Sechrest, the next night on ABC during the airing of Steven King’s Kingdom Hospital, there was more blood in that than the Mel Gibson movie. “It was ridiculous. I could not believe the amount of near decapitation that was on that fucking show,” Sechrest commenetd. “And then they can’t show your left ass cheek. What is the problem with that?”

Morales was under the suspicion that people would get turned on or get ideas. Asked if he had issues with nudity as an actor, Morales, speaking for himself, said he always wanted to leave something that can’t be massed produce- an experience. “If it’s gratuitous or it’s just about oh let’ show some T&A, why fake that it’s art. If it’s a porn, it’s a porn. You know what you’re getting. Balls out. If it’s art or porn masquerading as art, then I think it’s hypocritical and bullshit.”

By the same token, Morales said he didn’t know if he would ever want to go full frontal. “Only because it’s like going to a bathroom. You’re there and taking a whiz, you don’t want to look to the side, you don’t want anybody to see you. Because some guys are, like, hey, hi. I don’t want to embarrass someone if they don’t measure up,” he laughed. “And I don’t want to be embarrassed if I don’t. It’s a funny situation.”

Sechrest then asked Morales if he thought of himself as a sexual person. “I’ve been described as a maniac, actually,” Morales replied. “But in reality we’re all sexual to one extent or another. And I think we’ve got a real hypocritical society that uses sex to control us and tells us not to do it.” Morales noted that there has been a sex tax levied on condoms. “They want to scare you to death.”

As far as porn goes, Morales says he has a couple of tapes and DVDs. “It’s funny. People think I have more of an extensive collection based on my lusty personality,” he laughs. Asked if he has a favorite porn star, Morales took a look at LaVeaux and said he did now.

For his part, Morales said there was a tape a long time ago featuring himself and a girlfriend. “Me and my ex-girlfriend broke up. She had it and didn’t know she had it. She kept it and I wondered why. Like, whoa, you don’t want to show anybody else that. You kind of want it for yourself. You also look back in time and see have you’ve changed and what now.” A friend of Morales then stole the tape back and destroyed it by pouring alcohol on it. “You think Pam and Tommy Lee were hot?” Morales also remembered having Jimi Hendrix music playing in the background.

Morales’ assessment of his performance was, “I think I could have been a little more convincing in the I love you part.”Morales said he was acting out a part and was being abusive. “I was being the bad boy and kind of cock-whipping her.” To which Sechrest commented that it was the saddest day in his life, knowing that the Morales “cock whipping” tape had been destroyed.

Sechrest wanted to know when Morales became a cock whipper. “You don’t want to know,” Morales grinned. “When you do jumping jacks in the nude and you hit yourself…” Sechrest also wanted to know if Morales ever measured. Morales said it was embarrassing to answer something like that. Secrest said he was an 8 1/2. Morales said he was pretty much in that area depending how you measure. “I’m not a double digit guy, I’ll tell you that much. Nor do I want to be.” Morales was under 10 when he lost his virginity.

Sechrest said Morales had his last episode of NYPD Blue coming up and wondered how he felt about that. “Dude, the teariness in my eyes didn’t have to be helped,” Morales replied. “It was a beautiful moment. The people were good to me.” Morales went on to describe the show as “a well-oiled machine.”

“They really figured it out how do get it done quickly and efficiently,” he added. “I owe a lot to that experience and will always be grateful.” Sechrest asked him about his new movie Isla Bella which he did last summer. Morales said they’re looking for a more Anglo-friendly title. “It’s a fantastic place- a fictitious island in the Caribbean that is like a protectorate of the United States. The commandante is a benign dictator who’s been a widower the last five years. I play his closeted right hand man- a very Machiavellian [character]. I chose to make him one of those guys you see behind the man of power. They say behind every great man there’s usually a queen, I mean a woman or a queen.” Morales left little to chance that the word queen could be taken in its slang sense. “He’d like to be Evita.”

On another subject, it was also mentioned that Morales is an AIDs dissident. “This is a very painful issue to discourse,” Morales said. “Because so many people have people they love associated with it. Immediately, emotions are thrown in. And then politics. And then money, the bedrock of it all.” Morales said what you wind up with is people in an hysterical state pushing for protections and laws and we need more money. “But if you stand back and look at it in a sober way, you’ll realize that this epidemic is not really an epidemic by most accounts. More people die of car accidents every year. Or of breast cancer, far more but that gets the lion’s share of attention and money.”

Morales pointed out that over $120 billion has been invested in the last ten or twenty years with no real results. “Except a lot more drugs.” Morales said there’s obviously something that we have all agreed to call AIDs. “But what it is comprised of and how it actually functions is something that very few of us have any understanding about.”

Sechrest agreed that it hasn’t been 100% proven that HIV is the cause of AIDs. “And the media writes it up like it’s fact.” Morales points out that overnight HIV became the virus that causes AIDs without any peer review having been done. Morales also points out to Government experiments that have been conducted on people that would blow your mind if it came to light. “There are things that would blow your mind and move all of us into conspiracy theory which is a great little trash basket. For anything true that you don’t want to get out there, just put it in the conspiracy category.”

Morales suggested that people should take the time to realize where their money was going and how it was being spent, and how many victims there really are and how many times the definitions of AIDs has been re-defined. “And with each re-definition the numbers go magically up. If you broaden the net wider and wider you’re going to make it appear like there’s an epidemic. But if you take the original estimates, this thing peaked in 86-87.”

According to Morales, in 1993 with the last re-definition, the numbers doubled overnight. “Now all of a sudden people who were not sick are being told you’re going to get sick. You’re going to die based on tests the FDA has never approved to be used as a diagnostic tool.”

Morales said he’s been a student of the subject for about 14 years. “I’ve done some homework. The news is there.”


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