Check out our new advertiser;Follow AdultFYI at twitter@adultfyi1; Follow Gene Ross at twitter@GeneRoss3
from – Thank you for visiting and checking out our new look. This is the first of many changes that will be coming to ABL in the next several months. We are in the process of migrating all of our content over to the WordPress format to make it easier to keep up with the admin of the site.
We have temporarily removed the contracts, statutes and case law however we do plan on bringing them back shortly. And as you can see ABL is no longer a paid membership site. Though you still have to register to post comments. We will, in the future, be offering some of the more commonly used contracts, statutes and case law for free to registered members.
On you will also find various articles Michael as written for XBiz World Magazine ( Articles ) , as well as legal articles exclusive to ABL ( Legal ).
He will also be posting links and commentary about legal issues effecting the adult industry.
If you do not already follow him on Twitter you can do so by clicking here . He often tries to update those interested in industry news and legal issues on his Twitter feed as it happens. If you would like to know more about him please click on the ( About ) nav bar link above.
Michael will also be posting reviews of books and different liquors (Reviews) as well as blogs and photos from different events he attends (Life ). And more importantly check back often for his photographs and recipes ( Food Porn ) as he attempts to master the skill of cooking.
Finally, we welcome guest commentators and op-ed articles ( Op-Ed ). If you would like to submit an article or blog you have written that are pertinent to the type of content we offer on ABL please feel free to use the contact form on the side of the page to send Michael an email. We also welcome suggestions as to topics that you would like to see covered.