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Alia Janine: Measure B is the Law and Every Porn Star Will Be A Fugitive

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Alia Janine writes on – Can you imagine going back to the days when pornography was first being filmed, and performers actually had to use stage names to protect their identity’s? Where the porn sets were more secretive than an underground rave in New York City, and STD/STI testing did not exist?

When every performer, director, editor, and PA were breaking the law, every day just trying to make a living doing what they love. People can look through the pages of history and see for themselves that when a governing unit tries to extruded forceful control over a group of people, those people will either go into hiding or fight back.

The Porn Industry does not want to have to go back into hiding, many members before my time, fought for our rights not only as Americans, but as human beings to be able to perform sexual acts on film for a living. Measure B has passed and will be the law on December 14th my only questions now are how it will be enforced, and will the members of the industry once again become fugitives?

Michael Weinstein of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) was quoted saying this in the LA Times, “The margin was overwhelming,” said AIDS Healthcare Foundation President Michael Weinstein, which put Measure B on the ballot. “The people have spoken, and now it is up to the county government … to follow the will of the people.”

First and foremost, may I just state for the record, that a statement like that coming from a man like that is beyond disturbing, and just adds more evidence to my conspiracy theory file that he is in fact a cult leader.

Secondly, let us not forget that the petition to get Measure B on the ballot was FALSELY obtained. Of course, the wording of the measure on the ballot would make most people say yes, as well.

County spokesman David Sommers stated that the law would be regulated like a restaurant. Porn Producer will be required to obtained health permits that require condoms in order to shoot. Officials also stated that it will take a considerable amount of time to come up with an enforcement and inspection process. Sort of like when President Obama said he could not do everything he needed to do in 4 years, except Weintstein, like the American people, want something done now. Adding extra ignorance to his statement, and the American people’s expectations.

Sadly, for the American people and Weinstein, change takes time and money. We as American’s want to give Obama what he needs, another 4 years to try to fix what someone else so selfishly destroyed, but Weinstein is also selfish.

Not only does he want Los Angeles County to implement his falsely obtained law as soon as possible, but he is now suing that same body of law, the County of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles County Health Department, as well as 4 key officials from both offices with a whistle blowing lawsuit of his own.

Stating that the AHF was falsely audited and that the false findings were displayed for his providers and the public and used to intimate the providers into submission. Claiming that the county had animosity towards the AHF because they were the prime backers of the Measure B initiative and the county did not want to have to enforce the law. The irony of this is almost too much to bare [sic]. How many times will people allow this man to cry wolf before they actually bite him?

Lawyer for the Free Speech Coalition, Jeff Douglas made a statement after the LA Times article and wanted to clear some things up. He stated that although the law is supposed to be in effect on December 14th, there are no regulation and no infrastructure, basically saying that people cannot follow a law if they do not know what they have to follow. Until the county actually comes up with an ENTIRE system to enforce and regulate Measure B producers are going to continue work as usual.

The County of Los Angeles will have 2 different lawsuits involving the AHF in the New Year, and both were brought on by one man, Michael Weinstein.

Not only do the people of Los Angeles County have to pay for a law to be enforced that does not have constitutional grounds to be enforced, but they will have to pay for both lawsuits pertaining to that same law.

One that is trying to get rid of the law, while the other is inherently a slap in the face for not agreeing with Michael Weinstein and his agenda. I figured, in court we have the constitution, real medical statistics, our voices, and hopefully some common sense. With what seems to be a total attack on Los Angeles, Michael Weinstein may actually being drowning himself and helping us. No one screams louder than the guilty, and Weinstein is clearly getting louder.


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