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Dear Mo,
Although we’ve never met, I think you would like me. I’m an older gent. I weigh 235 pounds of granite hard, rippling muscle. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not coming on to you, but even the late Joe Weider, the trainer of bodybuilding champions and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s mentor, said I was a very powerfully built man. True story, God’s my witness.
While I think you’re a handsome man in your own right, I felt the need to relay this story, because in an article today you talked about men in prison. It’s rare that a man would talk about men in prison the way you did with such POV honesty, which makes me feel we have a lot in common.
However Rob Black on his Internet show singled you out on air for being a “dumb bastard.”
Rob said you’d have to spend time in San Quentin being butt-fucked in a shower stall to be able to write an article about men in prison. And there Rob was wrong. You could be in any prison, not just San Quentin to know the feeling of hot cock in your ass.
So I apologize for Rob’s callous remarks. I only quote people at what they say, and I don’t think of you as a dumb bastard at all.
In fact, I heard your interview on Rebecca Bardoux’s Internet show months ago and though Rebecca swears she wasn’t fired from her show, I know otherwise. In any event, you struck me as the kind of guy, very intelligent, who, if awoken out of a sound sleep at 3 AM, could bullshit a lucid, 5,000 word answer to any question.
Plus the fact that you ran for a spot [though you lost] on the Free Speech Coalition Board tells me you’re a very smart bastard. So, again, I apologize if Rob was out of line. By the way, I trust that Free Speech showed you the results of that election.
Another point, we have something in common though you might not be aware of it. I believe you shoot for Andre Madness, and a couple of years ago, Andre approached me about advertising on AdultFYI. I gave him a very reasonable price, but the rebuke and stings of his LOL’s still haunt my tender dreams. While I’m of the opinion he can go royally make love to himself with his hot male cock, I think you’re probably a swell guy.
Getting back to me. Being the strong, vibrant heterosexual male that I am and having been in the adult business 27 years and know every skeleton that’s buried, I would never, under any circumstances, presume or think I’d be qualified to run a gay company. For instance, Falcon Studios. So my first question to you is this, what gives Diane Duke the authority or qualifications to dictate policy to the adult mainstream business?
Secondly, Duke was employed by Planned Parenthood, and I assume that organization espouses condom usage. So how, all of a sudden, does Duke switch ideologies to preach a non-condom policy? I am confused. I’d ask Diane myself but I think her opinion of me has diminished greatly since I began asking questions she can’t answer.
Moving on. Manwin is the benefactor of the Free Speech Coalition. And, as everyone by now knows, in terms of piracy, Manwin is the Captain Kidd of the adult business. So how could you in all conscience, run for a position on a board subsidized by Manwin?
Today I discovered that Steve Hirsch, head of Vivid and author of the Measure B lawsuit, is advertising Farrah Abraham’s sex tape on Manwin’s YouPorn website.
I’m sure you’re aware that it’s a free porn site. In 2010 your sainted Diane Duke said, “I think the tube sites and the porn studios will ultimately learn to work together.”
If that wasn’t a foreshadowing of a sell out I don’t know what is. In 2008, a website called wrote a piece about how YouPorn was killing the porn market. I’m not making this up, but Hirsch at the time was putting in a bid to buy YouPorn.
Imagine. Hirsch wanted to buy an entity that a respected business website said was killing the porn market. Hirsch may have actually bought it for all I know and is a silent partner, judging by this Abraham deal. So I’m more confused.
Finally, Manwin’s Brazzers owns a website called which promotes condom usage. No Brazzer’s sex scene I’ve ever seen uses condoms, yet Manwin funded Free Speech to the tune of $150,000 to fight the condom initiative. Please, please, Mo, help me. Give me your thoughts on this or anything that can help a 66 year-old man lost in the woods of contradiction.
Respectfully yours,
Gene Ross