If you’re a stickler for communications, organization and follow-through, you might as well remain in the Jacuzzi for the month of August for all the good it’ll do.
Because it’s with great regret to inform you that for most of the month, from the 2nd to the 26th, Mercury the planet governing all those things goes into its pesky retrograde.
The Ace of Wands is our symbol for the month. When it’s seen in opposition, as with the retrograde, it can be used as a club of malice and destruction; anger and frustration. Even a weapon of murder. Caution is the key. Otherwise, things are said in the heat of pitched battle and relationships, including business associations, can be destroyed with an errant word irretrievably uttered. Creativity is thwarted. Writer’s block is quite common and porn bloggers will get lazy during the month of August.
Because the Ace of Wands also relates to matters of the male organ, I’m inclined to think that we’re going to have another injured cock/ exploding penis story on our hands similar to Prince Yashua’s.
Even those considered to be masters of the universe in their field will be prone to make mistakes in “no-brainer” situations, and femme fatales rip apart long standing relationships. This retrograde is a killer. But once it’s over, everything from reconciliations to overextended generosity from guilty parties can be expected to make up for some of the shortfalls.
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