Big Bob at Dane writes: Gene, you are right, and I take full responsibility for what was said.
As it turns out, we found out there was a space and right across the street. Ed came in to me and said be sure and let everyone know we will still be in business. This was such a last minute thing, Ed who lives in orange county did not bother to buy a train pass for October, thinking we would not be here.
In my haste to get the word out, I totally forgot what was said to you the other day. I sincerely do apologize. This whole thing is my fault. I should have thought about what you wrote,in my wanting to get the word out, I did not realize what transpired before. I feel terrible as you have always been more than fair with me and Dane, but please realize this was not done intentionally, in fact you were the first call I made this morning. Ed wanted the word out to everyone asap, and in my quest to do so, I totally did not realize what was said before.
Things have been so crazy here these past few weeks, but that is no excuse. What I did was stupid, and wrong. I just hope you realize this was not done with any malice, just non-thinking on my part. It was a stupid mistake due to the pressure to get the word out about our situation to neglect your article. I am embarrassed, ashamed, and really feel terrible.
I really had no intention of this happening, and I hope you realize this.
I want you to know I really feel stupid, and I do apologize for my haste. Sometimes the mouth works faster than the brain, and in my case, that is definitely so. To all your readers, I apologize for my stupidity, and to you gene, there is nothing I can say other than I am sorry. Your column is so great, I do not want anyone to think you printed anything other than you were told.
Please accept my apology, bob blisten, dane productions.