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Bryan Kocis Knew Brent Corrigan was Underage

From the Adultfyi files, April 30, 2006: Introduced as the Traci Lords of the gay industry, Brent Corrigan was a guest on The Young & The Curious Friday night. Corrigan, who did movies at the age of 17, talked to KSEX’s Jason Sechrest, about events that led to him doing them.

Under scrupulous questioning from Sechrest, Corrigan told one story about how Brian [Kocis], the owner of Cobra Video- for whom Corrigan worked- apparently sucked his cock one night when Corrigan was drunk. Asked if Brian knew that he was underage, Corrigan said he had every reason to believe so, that it was common knowledge in Corrigan’s circle that he was doing movies underage. Besides, according to Corrigan, a boyfriend of Corrigan’s ex boyfriend Jake, allegedly text messaged Brian to tell him that Corrigan was underage.

Corrigan is now 19 but Sechrest said Corrigan was making the best-selling movies of his career as well as Cobra’s, two years earlier.

“Not a lot of people knew that,” said Sechrest, noting that Corrigan was breaking his silence for the first time and that Corrigan was the epitome of everything that he wants to fuck in this world. Corrigan was born in Lewiston, Idaho and grew up in the suburbs of Seattle. Corrigan said he had a decent upbringing but grew up in a dysfunctional family and his parents divorced when he was in third grade.

“After that my mother really wasn’t there very much,” he said. “My stepfather raised me.” According to Corrigan, his mother got to the point where she “was over it” with family life.

“We only saw her on holidays and every once in awhile,” he said. Corrigan says he does see his mother who now lives in San Diego and travels a lot.

“She really doesn’t have a permanent residence, she travels so much,” he notes. However, Corrigan said he never met his biological father.

“I have no idea what he looks like- I don’t know anything about him.” Neither does his mother have anything to say about him. Corrigan said he’d like to know more about him if for nothing else, health reasons.

“You need to know what your family’s health history is,” he concludes. “I could be pre-dispositioned for cancer, anything. But I feel that my stepfather did a decent job raising me considering some of the circumstances. Others might disagree.” Asked why that was, Corrigan explained that mainstream society has a harder time stomaching the adult industry, particularly the gay adult industry. Sechrest was fishing to see if any funny business occurred between Corrigan and his stepfather but Corrigan said he managed to get through that part of growing up unscathed.

Corrigan moved to SoCal when he was 16, explaining that his mother lived in San Diego at the time.

“When I moved originally, my biggest excuse was I had serious interest in film,” said Corrigan. “I wanted to direct and I had a lot of interest in the artistic side of it. I figured if I’m going to do it anywhere, southern California is the fucking place to do it. That was my big lure so I thought I’d come here, do my two years in high school, get residency established then go to UCLA or something of that degree.” Asked how that worked out, Corrigan replied that obviously he wasn’t in school. Corrigan did finish high school and graduated early according to him.

“I was supporting myself my senior year in high school,” he said. “I was doing adult work my junior year. Through senior year, halfway through I was working full time and I was doing a little bit of adult work to supplement my income. It got to the point where I figured out quite quickly that I couldn’t do both- I couldn’t go to school full time and work full time and then do adult work. Something had to give.” Corrigan said he went on to graduate with a 3.2.

“But the California system is much easier than where I’m from.”

Except for his own productions, Cobra Video was the only company Corrigan worked for at the time.

“They were how you got involved in the whole porn-thing,” Sechrest clarified. “How did you meet these people?”Corrigan said it was through his boyfriend at the time.

“My ex-boyfriend at done adult work,” Corrigan explained. “His name was Jake- I did my first video with him.” Sechrest established that Jake was an adult performer.

“He had applied for Cobra- they turned him down,” said Corrigan. “My nice way of putting it is he’s not conventionally attractive. He has the equipment for it but not quite the look. Somehow he weaseled his way into doing a fair amount of adult work. He applied for Cobra- they turned him down originally. But we applied the second time- this time with me on his arm.”

Corrigan said the story was two years in the making and Sechrest immediately put in a plug for his own website, noting that Corrigan would be serializing the whole story starting in May. Corrigan noted that he’d be shooting all brand new content for Sechrest’s site as well.

Sechrest assumed that something must have been going through Corrigan’s head telling him that he was underage.

“The way it worked I was assure over and over by not only Jake but a few people around him that this is a thing that happens in the industry,” said Corrigan. “A lot of boys not only forge identification, but I was told over and over this is something that happens in the industry quite regularly. And in a lot of cases producers take and forge the identification.”

Corrigan said he’s talked to a few models on the subject but can’t give out names. However it was established that Jake wasn’t underage. Sechrest assumed that Corrigan must have been in desperate need of money.According to Corrigan, he was fresh in the gay community and had nowhere to check the facts he had been given. Corrigan said he pretty much trusted what Jake told him but later discovered that everything Jake told him was complete bullshit.

“By then I had pretty much screwed myself over by trusting him so much.” Regarding money, Corrigan states that he grew up in an upper middle class community.

“But we were one of the families that were on the very very bottom rung of the community,” he said. “It was really harsh growing up in that setting and being one of the poorest families in that community. But when we moved my mother moved to San Diego and didn’t take into account that the cost of living out here is generally more. It’s a higher cost of living in general. She always said destitute which I think is a little bit of an exaggeration.”

Corrigan went on to describe how he did two shoots which were spread over four videos.

“It was after the second video shoot that I had it pretty much ingrained in my head by Cobra Video- who had a serious inkling that I was underage- that I was fucked, that I was going to be the one in trouble,” said Corrigan. Sechrest wanted to know what kind of relationship Corrigan ended up having with Brian, the owner of Cobra Video.

“This is a kind of touchy situation that I don’t like to talk about too much,” Corrigan answered. “But I am a big advocate for truth and I’m on the end where I feel I absolutely have nothing to hide. I feel like the truth can do a whole lot more justice than absolutely anything else.”

According to Corrigan, his relationship with Brian started in complete trust.

“He’d call me regularly and stayed in touch with me,” Corrigan continued. “I did not have a strong father figure in my life- my stepdad was no longer there. He knew that I was in a very vulnerable, exposed state and that it was very easy for him to slide in there and assume the position. It started as something of a mentorship but all it takes is to get someone’s trust before you can hook them and get exactly what you want out of them.

“It started with the second shoot,” Corrigan continued. “I remember Jason McKenzie and Brent Everett were there. They were both porn stars that were staying with us while we were doing the shooting. There were two rooms. We were renting a house in LaJolla, California- there were two rooms. I remember him [Brian] saying Jason and Brent can share a room because they were ex-boyfriends and knew each other. Brian wanted me to sleep with him in the other bed because the couch wasn’t comfortable, that I was the star and I needed to be fresh and on top of my game. Up until this point I had no reason to feel that I had to worry about it. I had a certain amount of trust for him. Everything until that point was- I felt- was completely professional. It was the second night. We had a couple of beers. I was a hundred fucking pounds and 5’5″. I was smaller than I am now and I didn’t drink.”

Corrigan said he’d usually be rock hard while he was sleeping and apparently Brian took advantage of that situation.

“I remember sleeping hard which was customary for me,” Corrigan continued. “Next thing I know I wake up and he’s on my cock, blowing me. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t understand at that age the power of knowing whether I really had the option of it. I let a lot of it to continue.” Corrigan also made a point of saying that he had no physical attraction to Brian. Sechrest could remember his own instances of being 17 and letting people he wasn’t attracted to blow him.”I was on a porn shoot, I was getting plenty of it- trust me,” Corrigan added. “The thing is I also had alcohol in my system and that had a lot to do with it.” Corrigan said he had not personally told Brian he was underage.

“But there are a lot of events that happened at that point that he had a reason to believe,” said Corrigan. “Actually it was common knowledge in my gay circle that I done work work underage. Between the first and second video, Jake- his ex-boyfriend was talking to Brian about doing adult work for him. And this guy- Jake’s ex-boyfriend – gave Brian an ultimatum. He said if you’ll hire to me to come do this work for you I will tell you which one of your models is underage. Brian didn’t agree with that but it ended up somehow getting the facts out of him. Of course this boy flat out told him Brent Corrigan is underage. He’s 17 years old.”

According to Corrigan, he’s seen the text messaging back and forth between Brian and Jake’s ex.

“Does this exist still?” Sechrest asked. “Is this in anybody’s evidence?”

“I didn’t have the option of saving it,” Corrigan replied. “I wasn’t in the position to when I saw it. I saw it on someone else’s computer. At the time I was a 17 year-old boy. I didn’t save these things. I didn’t think that two years from now I’d be fucked and this would be evidence.” According to Corrigan, Brian had enough information that it would have been reasonable for him to believe that he’d check it out.

“He had a driver’s license from you- he had ID,” said Sechrest.

“Are you familiar with the 2257 laws?” Corrigan replied. “Well they clearly state that when you hire a model, you must physically inspect their identification and then physically scan it yourself and put it into your computer.” Sechrest was of the belief that 2257 happened after that shoot.

“2257 was something that had not gone down at that point,” said Sechrest. “I’m absolutely sure.” Corrigan said he wasn’t familiar with the laws that were in place at the time.

“But when you’re dealing with models of that age and of that physicality, if you’re trying to run a legal and viable business, you absolutely must pull out all the stops,” concluded Corrigan. In that context, Corrigan feels that Brian hadn’t done that.

“Especially after the second video when he had plenty of reason to check it out, he continued to try to pursue me and get work out of me,” stated Corrigan. Asked if he continued to have a relationship with Brian after the second video, Corrigan said it was a touchy subject and had done a lot of growing up since then.

“I was at that typical state in my life that most adolescent males go through where they think they absolutely know absolutely fucking everything,” said Corrigan. “They know they’re right no matter what. I thought I could read people. I thought I had Brian down pat. Apparently I was wrong and that worked to his advantage. I thought I could trust him- no buts about it.” Judging by the story, Sechrest said there was nothing Corrigan related would make you think he couldn’t trust Brian.

“It’s a little bit hard to explain,” answered Corrigan noting that he continued with the relationship fueled by his age and his naivete.

“He wanted to stay away from it [the topic] as much as possible,” said Corrigan. “The more he addressed and talked about it, the higher the likelihood of me coming out and admitting it. That would have worked to his disadvantage.” Boiling it all down, Sechrest determined that Brian did know at some point that Corrigan was underage.

“At that point I realized the importance of evidence,” said Corrigan. Sechrest wanted to know what positives came out of the relationship between Corrigan and Brian.

“Did he buy you anything? Did he help you with money?”

Corrigan said there was plenty of buying.

“Because of my age and where I was the material possessions were important to me at one point,” said Corrigan.

“At that age you don’t quite really understand what’s really important in life. That’s why I allowed myself to be led down that path. That’s why I allowed myself to continue that sort of relationship with him. He gave me reasons to validate it with the things that he threw at me. He showed me- to a certain degree- a lifestyle that I never had the opportunity to see when I was growing up. We’re talking about fine dining. We’re talking about decent vacations. I went to place I never been to with Brian. Granted, I could have had a much better time with better company. I really think they would have been much better vacations if I had been there with someone I really wanted to be with.”

Posted September 13, 2005: Porn Valley- I spoke to Jason Sechrest, this afternoon, and our chat centers on gay performer Brent Corrigan. Word is out that Corrigan may have worked underage. And Jason’s telling me ain’t this a bite in the balls because Corrtigan’s movies, “Bareboned Twinks” ; “Casting Couch 4” ; “Every Pool Boy’s Dream” and “School Boy Crush” all got 4- A ratings and are some of the most popular gay movies out there.

In fact, Sechrest is gnashing his teeth because he’s had to remove VOD’s from his website featuring Corrigan.

Laughing, Sechrest said I called the right person about Corrigan if only for the fact that it’s a go-figure.

“This performer and the movies that he did- of the THOUSANDS of gay movies that get made and of the THOUSANDS that are available in my VOD theater on my website – Corrigan and his movie School Boy Crush was the one that I picked to be my pick of the month,” says Sechrest.

“We’re taking it down today because it’s already been removed from VOD Theater. You have to be kidding me. I was totally getting off on this boy like in the last four weeks and I didn’t know he was underage. Like keep it up! Leave the video up a little bit longer, please! Two or three more hours!”


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