Porn Valley – You might have noticed that didn’t report on the alleged Chasey Lain overdose, although Wankus on his Monday night KSEX show this week acknowledged that the story was being reported on other adult sites. There’s a reason adultfyi didn’t touch it. That’s because it couldn’t be verified.
AVN had this to say: “There were some scary moments surrounding the 2004 AVN Adult Entertainment Expo last week, with two performers being admitted to the hospital due to drug overdoses.
One of the most popular performers in the history of adult video, Chasey Lain, was admitted Saturday night after allegedly overdosing on a combination of methamphetamine and heroin. Sources say she had both drugs on her at the time as well as hypodermic needles, and that she was released from the hospital the following day. No charges were filed.”
The glaring issue that stands out in this story is that there’s no mention of the specific hospital which leads one to suspect that there was either some sloppy reporting involved or accepting heresay as fact. Then, again, a Cincinnati radio station reported as fact that Ozzy Osbourne had died.
Comes now the punch line. Chasey Lain had a conversation with Amber Lynn Wednesday saying she was never in a hospital, and people over exaggerated a “very minor situation”. Chasey’s also saying there’s a conspiracy in the industry to damage her name and that she didn’t have her kid by Justin Sterling who’s now married to Jenna Jameson, that it was another rumor that people spread.