There’s been dead bodies and broken noses at Porn Star Karaoke. Add to that a cat fight allegedly started by Cindy Crawford last week.
Porn Valley- Shay Sweet was a guest of Katie Gold’s Friday night on KSEX. Asked how her week had been, Gold said she couldn’t remember most of it because of the fact that Sweet was in town. “But I think it went pretty good.”Sweet said she tried going to the beach but that it was overcast. When PSK was brought up, Gold said nobody knows about a certain story except her and Gold. Gold said those who had cameras especially missed out. Co-host Flexx thought that perhaps Sweet had been on KSEX before. Gold said, no, that Sweet had come with her into the business, however. Which has been about eight years. Gold said she and Sweet knew each other, as well, before they got into porn.
It was Flexx’s contention that if you’re in porn for more than five years, you’re eligible for retirement and can start directing. Flexx also joked about never having heard a porn performer being in the industry that long. Gold said bullshit- a lot of girls have been in longer such as Chasey Lain.
After the ADD dust had settled, Gold got back to the PSK story noting that she and Sweet had a couple of shots at Sardos. As Sweet went to the bathroom with another friend, it was pointed out that an editor for Sin City was also there. “From out of nowhere a drunken, slurred voice hollers out whoever said that needs not to tell Scott Justice because he’s [the editor] supposed to be at work,” Gold reported. Turns out the drunken voice belonged to Cindy Crawford. I can’t stand her,” says Sweet. Gold said Sweet wanted to go outside to have a smoke. According to Gold, Crawford walks up to Sweet. “She [Crawford] grabs her by the throat with her left hand, leans back, holds her by the throat as hard as she can. She’s screamin’ and cussin’, you fuckin’ bitch. This was like your all time barroom brawl. Shay was standing like this with her back, she was leaned back a little bit because Cindy was drunk and she was flailin’. This girl was so wasted. She could barely stand up. I’m sure if she took a swing at her, she probably would have tumbled back.”
Gold said every bouncer showed up. “She’s [Crawford] just hollerin’ and screamin’ at her.” Gold was laughing because she’s never seen Sweet in a situation like that before. Flexx asked Sweet what the history was about and Sweet answered that Crawford wanted to fuck her man. “It was just fuckin’ funny as hell,” said Gold who was egging things on. Flexx asked if there were any punches thrown. Gold said the Sardos bouncers couldn’t get Crawford to loosen her grip from Sweet’s neck.
Flexx wanted some more details and asked if this was after people had gone. Gold said there were probably still a handful of smokers talking outside. “I didn’t think they [the bouncers] were going to let her [Sweet] back in. But she got talking to them and they let her back in.” Gold said there was a stare down with Crawford on the sidewalk. “She was still trying to break loose.”