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Because they did a “satirical” PSA against “Yes” on Measure B, James Deen and jessica drake were invited to speak on CNN’s Saturday morning edition of the news.
CNN noted that despite such efforts, Measure B passed any way which would mean “in theory” that condoms would be mandatory in films made in Los Angeles County.
Ged Kenslea of the Aids Healthcare Foundation in a statement read on the sow, said, “I believe what the adult film industry really has now is a marketing challenge not a legal problem, getting viewers/consumers to adjust to the new normal.”
Deen was asked about Measure B being presented as a workplace safety issue and if he agreed.
“No, not at all, says Deen.
“I feel work place safety would qualify when you talk about cables being laid down properly and having an actual legislated testing regimen which we have. Just adding a piece of latex to the situation doesn’t actually increase safety. It just decreases sales. I think if you wanted to do things about work place safety then we should actually regulate safety.”
Drake added, “I think from a performer’s standpoint, and a standpoint of a woman I don’t like the idea of being told what I have to do with my body.”
A statement was also made that supporters of Measure B are pointing to the gay porn industry as adopting condoms and that mainstream porn should do that as well.
Deen said it was “completely inaccurate.”
“I’m not in the gay porn business,” he added.
“I do work for a company that shoots both gay, straight, trans, all sorts of content. They are completely condom optional as is most of the gay porn companies. As far as I understand the gay porn companies- the reason why you see condoms in their videos, and, again, you’re going to have to speak to somebody who is in the gay porn business because I’m not, I’m not the pro.
“But as far as I understand they take the personal information very seriously and it is technically illegal for an industry director to tell someone with HIV that they will not hire him because it counts as discrimination.
“I bring this up because what I think should personally happen, is, we should get some actual safety measures for performers on the books about testing and that it doesn’t count as discrimination. If you want to have sex on camera you need to not have any STDs. I think it’s fair, just if you are working in a kitchen, you can’t have Hepatitis C as far as I understand. Again, I’m not a legal expert so I’m not the best person to speak about that.”
Drake was asked about the testing in the industry and how it was regulated.
“We are tested every 14 to 28 days as performer,” drake answered.
“I’ve been in the adult industry for a little over ten years now and I’ve been tested at least on a monthly basis. We’re tested for HIV, Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and I have always felt very comfortable with the testing protocol that we have had in effect.”
“We also have hepatitis tests along with HPV [really?] and herpes tests,” adds Deen.
“Pretty much the full panel tests and the full spectrum of anything you can imagine; they are done randomly, they’re also done on your first test at the request of the performer. Pretty much everything is available- all medication and vaccines for hepatitis- for any of those things are all available.
“They used to give free HPV vaccinations. Now they’re available at a very small cost. We are covered beyond all imaginability when it comes to testing. And it’s proven by the fact that before all of our actual protocols are in place we had a problem where somebody actually faked a test and brought HIV into the business. That was almost ten years ago. Since then we have had no HIV transmissions, not a single one.”
Drake was asked how this would work considering that restaurants are inspected and would porn sets have regular inspections and unscheduled inspections to see if condoms are being used. Drake was also asked if she saw that working and could it be enforced.
“I don’t think this is something that can be enforced at all,” she replied.
“Before this measure takes effect a few things have to happen. We have to decide exactly what this measure entails. Because as it was presented on the ballot I think it was very misleading. As it was on the ballot it had said condom use. But later on it says it can enforce the blood borne pathogens law which in part is why James and I took part in this PSA just to show the public it could be perceived as much, much more than that and I think it was very misleading.”