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Conversations with Dennis Ormond

From the Gene Files 7/3/02- In the true sense of the term, Dennis Ormond may not be a suitcase pimp. But Ormond, a graduate of constitutional law, certainly has balls bigger than a steamer trunk. Ormond at any one time maintains a harem that may swell in ranks to five or six women. In the following interview, Ormond, who’s married to Bisexual Britni in the loosest sense of the terms, tells how he does it.

Gene: Basically you’re hand-holding Britni’s career.

Ormond: Pretty much.

Gene: How did you guys meet.

Ormond: Our relationship is a little interesting. Because I’m actually married to another woman named Michelle who’s actually pregnant with twins right now. They’re due in a couple of weeks. They’re going to be our first kids.

Gene: I’m having trouble following the bouncing marriage certificates.

Ormond: Michelle, my wife is bisexual and met Britni on AOL. Britni had just moved out pf New York state to Denver and they dated for a little while. I met Britni on occasion when Michelle had her up to the house. Britni took an interest in me. And at some point, one or two months later, we decided we all got along why not just make it a full-time live-in threesome. It’s been that way for three years.

Gene: I have guys asking me how do you do it. It’s bad enough to find one relationship and maintain it and yet you do this very interesting balancing thing.

Ormond: In it’s own right it’s actually easier. Because a lot of things a normal husband would have to do, go shopping with a girlfriend when you don’t want to, I’m completely alleviated from that. The girls go shopping. I stay at home and watch the football game. So actually it’s easier for me to have two in the house than it is one. They don’t demand my attention 24/7. They take care of themselves.

Gene: Was Britni at all in adult entertainment before she met you?

Ormond: She was too young. She was 17 when we met her. She started stripping when she was 18. But that’s what she always wanted to do. She always wanted to strip. And I was a little tentative about it.

Gene: Were you managing her career then?

Ormond: At that point, not really. Because there wasn’t a career. There was nothing going on. She was just stripping in a club a couple of miles from the house. I wasn’t all that crazy about it because I always heard about the drugs and the problems. But Britni convinced me to take her down there on an amateur nite. She’s a born table top dancer. You’d have to see her on a table top to comprehend that. She’s an entertainer and a performer and she’s flexible and she dances well and she wants it. Then she wanted to put up a website. So we kind of picked a name Bisexual Britni and figured we’d give it a shot. We took a bunch of pictures of Britni and put them up on a free domain. The response to it, because she was local in Denver, was unbelievable. Then I knew Elaine Leass from The Rocky Mountain Oyster which is the adult newspaper in Denver. I used to mow her lawn as a kid. She had heard about Britni and called me wondering if Britni would write an article- kind of a weekly Denver-based article. At some point or another we thought why not turn Britni’s site into a pay site. Then we did and by the time she had a couple thousand members it became obvious that it was beyond anything we ever imagined. It just turned out great. Britni’s probably the biggest porn employer or damn near in Denver.

We do three shoots a week where we pay girls a $150 an hour to come over to the house and hang out in a hot tub, whatever, to perform with Britni so she she could put ’em up on her website. Her website’s like 7 gigs of stuff- it’s a big, big, big website. Then we never thought about coming to LA to do videos. Mostly because we didn’t have any contacts. We didn’t know anybody. It’s not like you can come out here and do it. You have to know who you’re talking to. But all of her members can saying what video can we rent to see you in. After you get a couple hundred of those requests it starts to dawn on you like, shit, we don’t make videos, just video clips. So sometime earlier this year they were having an adult show in Los Angeles. We went out there on a whim and a prayer. We hooked up with Rodney Moore, a really pleasant, easy-going guy. He helped Britni with her first scene and she just loved him to death. He said come to LA and we’ll do a couple of full scenes. Rodney Moore was really the reason we got here and she just loved working with him.

Because I had seen Max Hardcore videos and knew what Britni liked to do, Rodney called Max and said I have this girl for you that wants to come by. Britni went over there and did a couple of scenes for Max and loved it. By this time we learned the gist a little more and hooked her up with Jim South. We’re at least 40 videos into it and you can tell by watching her scenes she loves porn. She comes out here, it’s like a vacation for her. This is what she does. The nice thing about it, it’s not money-based. She doesn’t need to do it to pay her rent. She makes a mint off her website. It’s not really a money issue.

Gene: The three of you live together.

Ormond: Yeah.

Gene: How does that work?

Ormond: Very simply. It’s pretty convenient. We’ve got a five bedroom house. We have a room that we have a tendency to sleep in. And we all have our own rooms. Because we all have our own hobbies.

Gene: Is Michelle in the business?

Ormond: She was for awhile. Five, six, seven years ago but only as a Denver-based business. She stripped and had her own web page. She did custom videos for a couple hundred bucks. We augmented our income doing that, but Britni was the first girl that we really tried working an adult career with. Because that worked out so well we ended up with access to other girls like Ravika and the Kennedys, the Stashas and the Rayne Rivers. So every ime we come out here we bring another girl or two along. I don’t actually charge the girls. I don’t take that extra 20%. I just book them with Jim South. The girls pay me back the expenses of getting them here- the travel fare, the hotels and so forth. Otherwise they keep all their money. So I don’t know if you can call me a suitcase pimp because I don’t make any money off of them. I mage them. I help them with their clothes. I introduce them to the right people. I get them to you so you can interview them. I get them to Jim South’s. I get them listed. Then I help drive them around.

Gene: The question’s impertinent but it begs to be asked. Do you and Britni get it on?

Ormond: Oh yeah. Britni’s a fuck machine. There’s no doubt.

Gene: How about the other girls?

Ormond: Occasionally. The girl we were out here with the other time. God I don’t remember the stage name she used [Jenny Coxx] We’re involved with her too. She’s part of Britni and I. She lives with us. She’s in Detroit right now.

Gene: How does this remain uncomplicated. At some point in time you’d think this revolving door lifestyle..

Ormond: You’d think it would be a big pain in the ass. But it’s not. It’s very simple. The girls all take care of themselves. My responsibilities are pretty simple. I pay the bills for the household, make sure the cars work, so forth and so on.

Gene: Do you ever have potentate sex where you just laying back on the bed and you have six or seven women converging on you at one time smoking your hookah pipe?

Ormond [laughing]: I’ve done that with four at a time.

Gene: This is absolutely astounding.

Ormond: This is the nice thing. I often call Britni bait. Because she’s a little 18 year-old 4 foot 11, perfect blond gorgeous thing and she attracts women like they’re going out of style. So when we go out and hang out, these girls cozy up to her, particularly at swing clubs. So she ends up with girls at home that end up hanging around two or three days. At some point or another…

Gene: You get to sample the goods.

Ormond: Exactly.

Gene: Jeezus what a routine.

Ormond: Britni’s my bait. Her ability to pick up girls is astounding. She sport fucks more girls just hanging out in Denver.

Gene: You were in the army for seven years. What were you doing there.

Ormond: I drove tanks.

Gene: This has got to beat tank driving.

Ormond: I was kind of happy that Britni adopted the whole porn-thing.

Gene: Was you lifestyle prior to this indicative that you’d be a multi-linguist of sorts.

Ormond: Yeah. A strange thing. I’ve never been in a relationship with one girls at a time my entire life. Never. From the day I enlisted on my 17th birthday, me and my first wife got married we moved in a girl named Karen. That lasted for awhile. Then we moved in my current wife, Michelle. Then me and Barbara my wife had a falling out over money and Barbara left. Then Michelle and I fell in love with a girl named Shawna who moved in with us for 4 1/2 years. Then Shawna departed to work with Kylie Ireland.

Gene: Denver is one little hub of polygamy.

Ormond: You’d think. We’re fairly well known.

Gene: Did you ever get it on with Kylie Ireland.

Ormond: I never met her.

Gene: The only one apparently. How did that escape you. You fucked everyone but the Broncos, right?

Ormond [laughing] After Shawna left, about a month and half later Michelle met Britni and Britni’s been with us 3 years.

Gene: Your family tree’s like the Book of Genesis.

Ormond: Oh yeah. There’s an awful lot of forks.

Gene: Do you give off some pheromone?

Ormond: I have no idea. Most people would say you’re kind of an average looking dude. You’re not monster pumped and you don’t have a 13-inch dick. You’re not wealthy.

Gene: Someone claimed you had the dick thing going.

Ormond: A cunt hair over 7 or a cunt hair under depending whose measuring stick you use. Very average.

Gene: Regardless, you’re an inspiration to us all.

Ormond: We’ve done a Rikki Lake Show; we’ve done a Montel Show on threesomes. I think a Geraldo Show. We’ve done a bunch of ’em. Then we write for The Oyster and Loving More Magazine which is a polyamorous magazine and the word just kind of got out. Some people think it’s really cool and others found it so disgusting that they don’t even want us in the same room with them.



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