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Conversations with Stacy Sinn- 7/11/2005

Porn Valley- I spoke to east coast babe Stacy Sinn this afternoon. Sinn, who’s been in the business about two years, is coming out to L.A. July 16 and is lining up bookings for herself. This will be her first trip to L.A.

Sinn who operates, got her start at one of the East Coast shows in Atlantic City where she began networking. “I was in the right place at the right time,” says Sinn. “I met Ron Jeremy in Atlantic City. I went out there with my AIM test and figured we’ll see what happens. He walked up and said, hey, you wanna shoot? That’s how it all began.”

Sinn then went to the Internext show last year but didn’t have too much success with that, she’s telling me. “I’m not in the Internet scene as much as doing movies,” she says. “So I figured with the help of my fans through my Yahoo group, I finally got the money together. I figured I’ll come out there [L.A.] and see how it goes.” Sinn will be in town till the 24th. “Hopefully I’ll get some shoots lined up while I’m there. I’ll have my AIM test before I get there.”

Sinn lets on that she’s also been working on another website,

“I’m teaching myself web design,” she says.

Sinn prefers doing DVD work than shooting for the Internet and, in the scheme of things, has had an opportunity to work with Jeremy and Queeny, in On the Loose In Atlantic City. “That was two years ago for Metro,” she says.

She’s also worked with Porno Dan, in D.C. Debauchery 1; plus she’s done two new dvds to be released with Platinum X Pictures. She also worked with Brandon Iron in May for his Intensities in 10 Cities Series, as well as Shayla LaVeaux for her Fan Sexxx Series for Nasty Pixxx. “Then, pretty much, I do a lot of the shooting for my website.” Sinn, who I notice also has a Shayla LaVeaux laugh, has a few DVDs of her own, maybe five, which are released through BDP Productions. “They’ve been working with me and I’ve done some shoots in conjunction with them.”

Sinn was laid off from another job in accounting when her “significant other” suggested she do something she was good at. Sinn said she did a lot of research online so when the East Coast show came around she went to that. “Just to see what I’d find. It worked out pretty good.” Sinn has always been pretty sexual, she says. “I love to have fun.”

Sinn and her “significant other” are swingers. She describes herself as an average kid growing up. “Nothing special- I really wasn’t into partying and I wasn’t into school, either. I was into cars. I’m a motorhead chick.” Sinn agrees that she’s best categorized among the live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse-types. “I just got to look good in my car,” she laughs.

The first time she had sex was maybe 14. “Not very memorable,” Sinn adds. “I think it was something I’d rather forget because I don’t remember much. It wasn’t all that wonderful.” Sinn, who had a couple of boyfriends in school, shuns rude people. “And arrogant people turn me off,” she adds. “I like the blue collar worker- people that can make me laugh. I enjoy a good sense of humor and being around happy people.”

In advance of her L.A. trip, Sinn says she’s been talking to a lot of people to get the skinny. “I’ve been planning this trip for quite a while but finances haven’t been good. The industry’s not that good on the east coast.” Sinn also does work for other websites as well as model. “I’ve got some nude gallery pictures for some gallery showings and coffee table books- stuff like that.” In her line of work, I imagine that Sinn has her share of stories involving bounced checks and deadbeat producers.

“I’ve had issues with agents,” she says. “I went through two of them and told them both to go take a flying leap because it didn’t work out.” Asked what that was, Sinn said misrepresentation, basically. “To the point where they lie about my age or not disclose that I have a C-section scar,” she says. “Then when I get to a shoot after driving 23 hours they say no we can’t shoot you.” One time Sinn drove from Pennsylvania to Florida only to be given absolutely no respect.

Sinn didn’t want to mention names but went to do a shoot. “It was a boy-girl shoot and they were going to pay me $800,” she notes. “I hopped in a car and my driver drives me to Florida. I get down there and they look over me with this flourescent light and they’re like, no, this scar is just too drastic. It wasn’t disclosed to me. Here’s a $100. Thank you for driving down. I was quite ticked off and the same agent had lined up all this work for me, supposedly. Everything got screwed up. It just ended up that my shoots were all cancelled and I had to go find my own work so that I could afford to drive home.”

While the C-section scar was used as one excuse says Sinn but she couldn’t venture reasons why some of the other shoots were cancelled. “The others were cancelled through the agent,” she states. “They called the agent an hour before the shoot. I don’t know. Then he claimed he couldn’t represent a 30 year-old that well. He didn’t know how to represent me.” Sinn said she was told all of this after the fact.

“It’s harder to represent someone who’s 30 versus an 18 year-old I guess.” As rough as it was, Sinn says all of it was a learning experience. And once she was in Florida, Sinn couldn’t even afford to get into the Internext. “So we just hung out in the lobby the whole time. I worked with Porn Dan when he was down there. But I survived and made it home.”

As frustrating as it sounds for her, Sinn said she’ll continue in the business. “If everything goes good unless money gets short,” she says. “We’ll see what happens. We’ll see how the trip goes. I’m trying to stay positive with everything.” Because she’s an unknown commodity, Sinn has been told to contact companies in the flesh when she gets off the plane.

“I guess there’s too many photo shop people around,” she laughs. “I don’t alter any of my pictures. My hair is my natural color. My fingernails are real. My boobs are real. This is me. You don’t like it? Oh, well.”

Sinn prefers to keep it real and she doesn’t want to be another industry “Barbie Doll”.

“They’re gorgeous in their own way,” she says. “But I want to stay natural. There are a few people out there who like the natural look.”

Sinn’s family is okay with what she does. “I’ve explained it to them- if they want to pay my bills for me, then I’ll stop.”


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