Porn Valley- Victoria Givens, a woman whose ass is getting more mileage than a Volkswagen, was on KSEX,, Wednesday night for some last minute promo. Givens this Saturday is going for the world ass bang record. With the current mark held at 50 by Brooke Ashley, Givens is opting for 100 guys in the buttocks. But not all at the same time, of course.
That’s why Givens, practically beating Starbucks to the Early Bird special, is beginning her attempt at 7 in the morning, just when most porn people are turning in from another party Heidi Fleiss didn’t go to. Given’s attempt is being sponsored by and will be held at VIP Showgirls in N. Hollywood.
After knowing her for two years, Wankus told Givens he just wants to stick it in and cum. “That’s less work for me,” said Givens, probably hoping that 100 men in her ass feel the same way. “You’re adorable- you’re sexy; I told you I like the brunette better than the blond,” said Wankus. “And you’re here as a brunette looking gorgeous. I’m not kissing your ass. I just want to fuck you.” Co-ho Michelle Lay ventured to say Givens was “wholesome looking”.
Wankus suspected that people running into Givens at the local supermarket wouldn’t realize that she was a kinky freak. “You go to the check out line and you got that cute, little southern accent. And you’re doing your thing. Then they see you in a movie and you’re doing 18 things. They don’t have a clue that you’re one sexy, freaky mama.”
Social amenities out of the way, Wankus predicted that Givens beautiful ass was going to be destroyed by Sunday morning. Lay said she was nervous for Givens. “We’re all going to be cheering you on and I’m going to be standing by with ice packs.” Wankus applauded Givens’ nonchalance. “You’re acting like it’s no big deal that you’re going to have 400 penises in your ass.” Givens said she loves anal sex. “I can’t help it. I’m just like that.”
Noting the record of 50, Givens said she didn’t want to stop at 51. “I want to keep going. I want to get at least 100. That’s my goal.”
Wankus said he hadn’t heard a story like that since he was in prison. Wankus also speculated about how many people would be showing up that early on Saturday. Givens figured she’d have certainly enough to get a good start. “Of course not all of them,” she said. “They’ll be trickling in little by little. We’re still getting in all the paper work. We won’t know until Friday night, officially.”
Wankus also wondered how this was going to work for the average Joe at home. “I understand we can wear masks. If I want to wear a mask it’s okay.” As far as last minute registrants are concerned, Givens believes that the deadline has come and gone.
“But if someone really, really wants to be in it, all they have to do is go to , click on World Record,” she said. “That will take them to the registration form, register; get their HIV test done. We prefer AIM because they have a 24-hour turnaround. Go there, fax your test to us with the information. If you’re flying in from a different state you have to fax us your itinerary.” Givens pointed out. Even so, Givens said you don’t have much time. It was also pointed out that it’s a condom-only attempt and there will be fluffers.
“We’re going to have so many naked girls there running around and doing various things,” Givens added. “We’re going to have two official fluffers there but if one of them wants to take a break, I’m sure we’ll be able to fill them in with someone.” Wankus wanted to know that if he comes in with a current test, could he get in line. Givens said why not.
“Michelle, will you fluff me if I stick it in her ass?” Wankus then asked. Lay gave him a look prompting Wankus to say, “Looks like I’m not going to fuck you in the ass.” Givens said her official fluffers were Julie Robbins and Lisa Sparxxx. Asked about Robbins, Givens said she was also from North Carolina. “Same home state as me. She’s a beautiful girl. She’s really wild and has a great personality. You’ll love her.”
Givens pointed out that Robbins was the first girl she ever did a girl-girl film with.” Wankus didn’t think he could function with Sparxxx, that she’s been reserved to sister status now that she works at KSEX. “And she just did 900 guys in Poland. I have a tough time with that.”
Was Givens concerned that her ass might need emergency room attention? She said no.
“Not every guy coming up there is going to be small like me,” Wankus cautioned. “There’s going to be some guys with pipe.”
To which Givens replied that you’d be surprised to know the size of some dicks that have been up her ass. “But it helps to be mentally prepared to be positive,” she stated. “If you dwell on things that are not so cool, it’s not cool.” With that gobble-de-gook comment Wankus compared Givens to Joe Theisman. Asked if she made an estimate as to how long it would take her to reach 100 cocks in her ass, Givens said it was too hard to determine.
“Simply because my fans- 99% of them are amateurs. It might take longer for that.” Givens also pointed out that she has a deadline of 7 in the evening because she’s using VIP Showgirls. “I have to be done within 12 hours.”
Length of stay in her ass is another factor that has yet to be determined, according to Givens. “We’re toying with so many different times right now that it’s not certain. I know that sounds kind of silly.” Wankus posited another theoretical question about fluffers lending just-in-case happy endings if they don’t occur in Givens’ ass. “If they don’t cum the first time they can go back in line.”
Wankus thought the same rules apply at Magic Mountain. “I rode Colossus the first time- didn’t come- and got back in line.”
Wankus was also curious about Victoria’s training regimen. “Rocky drinks eggs, what do you do?” Givens said she was going to approach this like any other anal scene. “The day before I eat really, really strict. What else can you do? I can’t go all week without eating.”
Asked if her folks were “excited” for her, Givens said they didn’t know about it. “To my knowledge they don’t know. But if anyone in my family knows, they’re having enough respect to not talk about it.” Neither has Givens received any negative flak about her attempt. “Not really,” she said. “I understand people have issues but that’s what makes America, America. Everybody has their own opinion on things, so let’s leave it at that.”
Lay was curious what positions Givens would opt for. “I’m changing positions as I see fit,” said Givens. “I want everyone to be comfortable. As each person comes up I will determine the position.” Asked if a bed format was going to be used, Givens thinks she’ll rely on a “comfy chair with handles”.
Givens noted that this will be a production from Victoria Givens Productions. But she doesn’t know the release date as yet. “We’re hoping to get it out close to the end of November, First of December.” Givens said Movie Monster was being really wonderful working with her. “And doing great things to help get this going.”