Porn Valley- Although delivery was promised for May 25, Craig Valentine finally got his disputed product back from Dane Productions today.
Valentine, of Summer Haze Productions, still has yet to reach an accord with Dane, its former distributor, as to who owes who money, however. [Club Summer Haze has subsequently acquired Nectar as a new distributor.]
In the meantime, Valentine who’d been having lengthy Moses-Ramses discussions with Dane about letting his disputed product go, says that of what he received Tuesday morning 980 DVDS were damaged.
Besides that, says Valentine, there’s been extra freight charges tacked on because of mistakes made on Dane’s part.
“And the DVD’s were damaged- they were basically loose in a box,” says Valentine. “They were scratched in transit. Now it comes to an insurance claim- Dane or the freight company. Out of 3,000 pieces more than a third of the product is damaged. But when I called the state insurance commission of California, Dane doesn’t have insurance. So how do I handle something like this? Getting my product back that’s all damaged. Did they have to return the shit all fucked up?
“I’ll put the insurance in with the freight company and see what they say,” Valentine continues. “And I had to pay an extra $98 delivery charge because the freight sat there so long [with the delivery company] because Dane wouldn’t answer the phone. This should be pretty entertaining.”
According to Valentine, customers had been requesting the Summer Haze product and Dane would tell them it was on back order even though Dane had those titles in stock. Allegedly.
“I was looking on my inventory sheets when Bob was doing the sales,” Valentine continues. “Dane was back ordered on American Blowjob Queen 1. Dane was back ordered on Behind Closed Doors 4 & 5. I get my boxes in and there’s about 30-32 of those units that showed up. Did I miss something? If you have clients that are willing to buy the product and it’s back ordered, how do I wind up with the product back? Is Bob still employed there? Or did someone stick the fork in Dane but they just don’t know they’re done yet?”