Porn Valley – We all pretty much know about suspected murderer Scott Peterson’s liaison’s with Amber Frey at the time of his wife Lacy’s disappearance. But little if nothing has been said about Peterson’s alleged visits to a certain Nevada brothel.
Wednesday of this week I had a chat with a woman who worked at one of those fine institutions and she told me it was common knowledge among the girls that Peterson was both a regular of one joint and that he was a steady client of one girl in particular. The woman I interviewed told me that she didn’t know the girl but, apparently, she, too, no longer works at the brothel. I’m also told that the woman-in-question may be having her identity kept mum by the prosecution as a potential star witness in the Peterson case.
The woman I interviewed also tells me that she’s in the fourth stage of colon cancer but is in remission. She told me of an instance where she was allegedly assaulted and raped by two clients at the place where she worked but no charges were filed because the guys had paid in cash and there were no electronic receipts to verify identity. She tells me nothing was done about the situation. On another occasion one of the johns, apparently a heavy spender, stalked her. The woman also tells me she’s scheduled to meet with Lyon County sheriff Sid Smith on Monday.
I also hear that Lyon County District Attorney Leon Aberasturi who’s supposed to be prosecuting the Vince Neil case, is also quite interested in her story.
There’s more. Much more to all this. And it’s an exclusive.