Porn Valley- Every guy wants a bigger penis; that’s an undeniable fact. The myth is that there are many options available in the field of Penile Enlargement. The truth, however, is very disturbing. Creams and pills have never shown any definable results, pumps can cause permanent damage, and those that have braved surgery took the risk of serious deformity and loss of sensation.
Pleasure Productions is proud to announce that a totally new method now exists for the man who wants to add inches where it really counts, safely and naturally; ‘Matters of Size’. This 5-Phase, natural penis-enlargement exercise system has changed thousands of lives, and is a regularly used secret behind the success of many current porn stars. Through Doctor-Approved techniques of stretching and exercise, this DVD can not only guarantee:
– Significant additions to penile length (up to 5 inches!)
– Significant additions to penile girth
but also: greater sensitivity, more powerful orgasms, highly increased stamina and staying power after orgasm, increased ejaculate volume, correction of a curved penis, being known for something other men only wish they had!
This DVD exercise program is broken up into 5 phases, each including warm-ups, stretching exercises, size-producing routines, and various genital care techniques. The user is able to view video and text versions of every method used in the DVD. Also included are many special features including interviews with creator Michael Salvini (a.k.a. Double Long Daddy, a nickname he got after increasing his 6 1/2″ length to 10 1/2″), bonus exercises, health and diet guides, and directions to an online site where the user can join a growing community of over 40,000 men who have already joined this revolutionary program.
To every man who wants to improve his sex life, this could very well be the most important DVD ever made.
For more information, contact Michele R. – voice: (800) 999-2483 x233; fax: (609) 426-8894
e-mail: [email protected]; Pleasure website:; website: