Kill Me Quckly on clues the world to the feud going on between Gram Ponante and Eon McKai
Ponante writes: Now and then I’ll write an unflattering porn review and will be yelled at about it. But the other day I was shrieked at by Eon McKai, who couldn’t understand why I suddenly didn’t “get” him.
After a few years of generally positive reviews of his work I had abruptly become, by virtue of making several criticisms of his Debbie Loves Dallas, a hater like all the rest of them.
In two phone calls, three text messages, and five e-mails, demonstrating a command of media I wished had extended to his porn flick, the megalomaniacal McKai heaped on abuse and paranoia, and, full of indignance and shitting on everything he saw, banished me from the steveporn realm, population: Eon.
Just remember that this is a guy I have been very nice to in the past, who has hired me for promotional work because I understood his genius.
But don’t take my word for it, take Eon’s after the gap.
comment on fleshbot post
Gram you don’t get it… guess you never did… keep filing flesh bot with MSM’s taned over blown bodays..
Fleshbot was once great… now it’s just Gram…
doode honlisty… why come on here where my people get info and fill there head with such shit?
you don’t know what time it is*
you don’t get it
you fill the bot with shit form porns vally
plese go away allready so we can get on with pushing things forward…
I work too hard to get where I am and to push the movment forward to have you going on and on not geting it… on the bot a place where I’m most gotten… till now…
don’t hit me up for screeners aney more
-Eon McKai
-*(and Flava Flav)
Ponante: I had asked for a Debbie screener because Fleshbot wanted me to review it and I haven’t been receiving Vivid screeners lately. I mentioned this to McKai when I called him several days before. McKai said he didn’t know why I was not on the screener list. He quickly sent me his movie and three others.
In a UPS box the day I reviewed the film, McKai sent me Stood Up, which I had already reviewed, Tristan Taormino’s Chemistry 3, and the original and sequel of Paul Thomas’ Fade to Black movies, which I’d heard were good, along with Debbie. I watched McKai’s movie through lunch.
I noticed several things that other directors might call mistakes, and the directing seemed inconsistent. Some actors acted like they were in a different movie. I Instant-Messaged McKai, and he assured me that everything in the movie was a choice. We then realized we disagreed about how good or bad several performers were. An actress that I thought was good he thought was awful.
So was the inclusion of what the director thought was an awful performance a choice? How does one direct an awful performance? Awfully?
After I had submitted my review of Debbie Loves Dallas to Fleshbot, where I usually post reviews prior to re-running them on my own site, I received a call from McKai, which I missed.
phone message
“I just wanted to say fuck you, Gram…I wanted to let you know that I have moved the ‘Vivid-Alt’ contest from Fleshbot to another site…I should have figured out when you asked for the movie what you were up to…I broke my fucking back on that movie for you to say I phoned it in…I stand a hundred percent behind every shot in that film and everything was a choice…so fuck off and go away.”
– Eon McKai
I wondered if he thought, based on my previous good reviews of his work, that I had suddenly decided to find fault. I wondered if he suspected that every time he’d thought I “got it” before was just a fakeout for the hammer blow of the Debbie review? Notwithstanding, I am going to use “I should have known what you were up to” as often as I can in everyday conversation.
I listened to his message while walking to the subway (yes, there are subways in Los Angeles) but was then interrupted by a call about Brian Surewood. When I got home McKai called again, and this time I picked up. I’ll emphasize that I have his number and he has mine.
“Hi Eon,” I said.
“I just wanted to say fuck you in person,” McKai said.
“OK,” I said.
After about 45 seconds of listening to him tell me (I think – it was loud) about modernism vs. post-modernism and how (I think – it was loud) I had reviewed a post-modern movie modernistically, I got in a question edgewise and asked, “Eon, are we going to have a conversation or are you going to shriek at me?”
“I’m going to shriek – ” he said, and I said Goodbye and hung up. Sorry, but post-modernism is a rigorous style, not something you invoke to explain your mistakes afterward.