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Christy Canyons Husband Rob Spallone Got Me Pregnant

Rob Spallone got me pregnant while Christy Was at work several weeks ago. He called me and said Bitch get your nigga ass over here so I did. We fucked lick donkeys and he got me pregnant. I got the last word and he promised me he loves me and not Christy Canyon.

I cant wait to show off my new man at the kindergarten reunion this year.

LOL Yes Todd Lamoureux AKA Iam_Blazing I think Rob Spallone did bust a nut in you I mean u are a faggot pretending to be a women on this forum so yes he busted a couple of nuts/babies in your ass just like u had it when u was in the Navy when u was everyone's Bitch on the Ship, your a straight up faggot  I never not once hear u talk about crossovers or Faghags u never speak bad about them if your gonna come on AdultFYI using my Handle that I had on PornWikileaks at least post the things that I went against I just didn't go against Christy Canyon I went against Crossover Aids Carrying Faggots like ChristianX who u probally caught Aids from indirectly from fucking Nicki Hunter, Sean Michaels and Shane Diesel U never speak bad about faggots because u are one. Like I exposed u look like an effeminate ugly bitch and your sister Lisa looks like a man now can u explain why that is? You and your sister both look like some trash that might show up on Jerry Springer Show or Maury Povich

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Hey little sister,

what is wrong with you? nobody cares about Christy Canyon or her boyfriend. By the way they are not married like you keep claiming. Where is the proof of a marriage certificate?

Granny Paula is mad as hell right now with you. Since the spankings she keeps giving you don't work perhaps another trip to the hospital is needed so you can get the help you need.

You know the family is right and we love you but give all of this a rest.

The Chambers Family

Todd U know Christy is married to Rob Spallone your trying to protect her and deny that she's married to Rob Spallone because u know some disturbing information got put out on social media that could possibly mess up Christy Canyon's brand and image or lose a percentage of her fanbase but u know she's married to that fat slob loser Rob Spallone I don't even know why I continue to entertain a dumb retard like yourself like I told u go take care of your fat ugly slow nephews that your manly sister Lisa had they need your help not the message boards on AdultFYI.

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