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OK so my original reply to another thread this going to just tell you how much of a faggot you are again but fuck it since  I'm a guest here for a bit longer I might as well be civil to our host. Ok now that is out of the way I think it's time to clear some things up.

Ok so you came into possession of all three websites just recently and due to overwhelming server cost you had to dump PWL.

1. Can you tell me who you bought it from?

2. How long was the BB deal in the works?

Please be honest. There is no sense to keep up the "you didn't know" line. You want us to stay around well now is your chance to show humility and that leads to trust. WE DO NOT TRUST YOU AND RIGHT NOW AS IT IS THE FIRST PLACE WE FIND BETTER WE ARE GONE. Unless something changes ...drastically even I won't be able stop it.

3. Did you get the sum you wanted ? and was it more or less then what you paid?

4. Chris P. Bacon and his redirect to BB's website was obviously not a virus. So you knew then. Was the deal done then because it seemed like you were still shilling the site right up to D-day. Which makes me think selling to BB's didn't sit right with you. Is that fair too say?

5. Why are there no PM options here?

6. Is Officialmikesouth still for sale and what would you want for it.?

7. What is BB holding over you that you feel like you still have to give any fucks about what they want? Who the fuck are they to tell you what can be posted here? If they feel their material is being infringed upon then have them go through the take down process like every fn one else. If they destroyed all the data how the fuck can they say it's copyright?

Fact: The original master list was obtained from AIM illegally. Stolen is a much better word

8. If BB is going to claim ownership and attempt to censor all post relating to pwl with DMCA threats then are they not in position of stolen goods? To file a take down notice they need to link the original post I'm "copying". How can they if they destroyed alL the data. Show us the original list or prove it came from PWL or tell them to GO FUCK THEMSELVES

K the ball is in your court  "Mean Gene". You want us stick around and help this site grow then no more stalling. Until you address this post the blackout will remain in affect. Kind Regards Luke

felipealou and Eurynomos have reacted to this post.

I will answer when I am able to and the time is right but for now I have said all I can say.

i want to buy official mike south

Clint has reacted to this post.
Quote from generossisback on September 8, 2019, 11:28 am

I will answer when I am able to and the time is right but for now I have said all I can say.

Not even close to good enough but for now ....AS YOU WERE GENTS.

Clint has reacted to this post.
Quote from fuckofftwice on September 8, 2019, 4:10 pm

i want to buy official mike south

5k its yours

You are literally fucking retarded.

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Deleted user

if this site its a refugee for PWL,welcome