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I think Forum Members who ask too many questions should get banned

Hey Forum I wanna suggest that a new rule be made that if forum members ask too many questions and the same fucking questions over and over again they should be banned just for being annoying or they are up to something they have a ultimatum or are spying on behalf of someone else that may be trying to harm this website. You have one forum member on this website that does nothing but ask questions and a lot of times it's the same questions it's just so annoying like a 5 year old asking why is this why is that like for fuck sakes. Why does a particular forum member wanna know soo badly who owned PornWikileaks??? why is it that important are they spying for someone maybe one of the Faggots or Faghags that got exposed on PornWikileaks?

Mike Hammer has reacted to this post.
Mike Hammer

We support free speech unlike the Libtard gay mafia and dont think asking questions is a banable offense.

Quote from generossisback on September 20, 2019, 2:32 am

We support free speech unlike the Libtard gay mafia and dont think asking questions is a banable offense.

Where do you draw the line, Gene? Questions shouldn't cause a ban but you're going to let these guys come in here and call you a faggot and say that's free speech? That is abuse, plain and simple. How much can you take? Did your huge windfall in the PWL sale cause you to go soft?

Quote from Donny Long Armed Forces on September 24, 2019, 12:40 am
Quote from generossisback on September 20, 2019, 2:32 am

We support free speech unlike the Libtard gay mafia and dont think asking questions is a banable offense.

Where do you draw the line, Gene? Questions shouldn't cause a ban but you're going to let these guys come in here and call you a faggot and say that's free speech? That is abuse, plain and simple. How much can you take? Did your huge windfall in the PWL sale cause you to go soft?

I have HUGE balls and can take whatever people call me and it doesnt worry me. Any press is good press and if people talk about you it makes you important. Just my thoughts.