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Username Iam_Blazing=BigFanForLife from PWL Forum

Hey Adult FYI it took a while for me to get over here I just want to inform people that they have been misiformed for the people that came over from PWL Forum the username with the handle " Iam_Blazing" is not the same Username Handle that was over on Pornwikileaks forum this person that has the Username Iam_Blazing on AdultFYI is BigFanForLife from PornWikileaks who was a troll that spammed the forum boards on PWL and who just about everyone on PWL wanted to get banned it was a 44 year old faggot/Bisexual man from Coronado,California that I exposed as Todd Lamoureux who went by @HotdogTodd on Twitter and pretended to be a 92 year old Donald Trump supporter  on PWL now he's over here on Adult.FYI pretending to be a woman SMH this crazy wacko motherfucker needs to get a life. Anyway I came over from PWL Forum I did become a senior member in a matter of months my user handle was Iam_Blazing I never exposed anything else about myself I don't care if he takes my Username from PWL cause PWL is gone they had a good run real good Wikis but this is a new forum so I'm going with a new Username. This person Todd who is now Iam_Blazing doesn't hate Christy Canyon in fact he is a friend/fan of Christy Canyon that is here to protect her from any Libel Todd is a fan of Dakota Skye, Nicki Hunter all the Faghag Whores of the Porn Industry he really can care less about Donny Long or others that are fighting against Faghags or Crossovers this troll is here to fuck with us i'm just giving u all a heads up. Again this mans name is Todd it is not a female named Jada this man is sick and I will expose pictures of what he looks like his social media accounts.Also this troll has 2 accounts on AdultFYI Iam_Blazing and JustBlaze2019 same person. One other note Username Iam_Blazing who's real name is Todd Lamoureux fucked Nicki Hunter and Christy Canyon in Playboy Studios which is disgusting because Nicki Hunter fucked ChristianXXX and anyone that comes into contact with that Aids dick of his is contaminated same thing with Christy Canyon she is a faghag that fucks crossovers like Peter North, Sean Micheals, Shane Diesel. In Addition with the 2 Usernames Iam_Blazing/JustBlaze2019 this person has 2 Twitter accounts one main Twitter Account which was @HotDogTodd but when he got exposed on PWL he locked his account and he had a troll account @WalterHeisenbu2 which he trolled to get stalkers the people he considers stalkers are anyone who goes against the faghag Porn Whores that he likes. He changed both against after being exposed by me on PWL so now his main account is @down_4_maint and his troll account is @Augustus2019 I also want to throw in his a Picture of his fat ugly manly looking sister Lisa Lamoureux it's no wonder why he's so ugly it runs in the family cause his sister looks like a straight up dude in the face.

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More Photos in reference to this fraud Iam_Blazing who is BigFanForlife from PornWikileaks who's real name is Todd Lamoureux a faggot/Bisexual Fan of Porn Actress Christy Canyon. If u want the full story read the top thread but here are more photos of his ugly pimple face his ugly fat masculine face sister Lisa Lamoureux and some other interesting photos.

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  • Lisa-Lamoureux.jpg
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Interesting! Popcorn time!

CoolBreeze01 has reacted to this post.
Quote from generossisback on September 5, 2019, 2:08 am

Interesting! Popcorn time!

Yes the fakes have to be exposed I am sick of the bullshit I am sick of the lies

Stop claiming to be me again Sister Chambers. I posted all of that on PWL not you Sister.

I think it is time I called Granny Paula for telling your lies again. The last hairbrush spanking she gave you clearly did not work so I think a harder one is in order don't you Sister Chambers?

My Sister whos name is Chambers goes by FrostBite97 on twitter and she was in an institution for many years as she is always claiming to be me and other people.

She likes to cause drama even though she drives me nutty sometimes I still love her.

Love Jada

Jesus, you guys take retarded to a whole new level.

Quote from CoolBreeze01 on September 5, 2019, 1:20 am

Hey Adult FYI it took a while for me to get over here I just want to inform people that they have been misiformed for the people that came over from PWL Forum the username with the handle " Iam_Blazing" is not the same Username Handle that was over on Pornwikileaks forum this person that has the Username Iam_Blazing on AdultFYI is BigFanForLife from PornWikileaks who was a troll that spammed the forum boards on PWL and who just about everyone on PWL wanted to get banned it was a 44 year old faggot/Bisexual man from Coronado,California that I exposed as Todd Lamoureux who went by @HotdogTodd on Twitter and pretended to be a 92 year old Donald Trump supporter  on PWL now he's over here on Adult.FYI pretending to be a woman SMH this crazy wacko motherfucker needs to get a life. Anyway I came over from PWL Forum I did become a senior member in a matter of months my user handle was Iam_Blazing I never exposed anything else about myself I don't care if he takes my Username from PWL cause PWL is gone they had a good run real good Wikis but this is a new forum so I'm going with a new Username. This person Todd who is now Iam_Blazing doesn't hate Christy Canyon in fact he is a friend/fan of Christy Canyon that is here to protect her from any Libel Todd is a fan of Dakota Skye, Nicki Hunter all the Faghag Whores of the Porn Industry he really can care less about Donny Long or others that are fighting against Faghags or Crossovers this troll is here to fuck with us i'm just giving u all a heads up. Again this mans name is Todd it is not a female named Jada this man is sick and I will expose pictures of what he looks like his social media accounts.Also this troll has 2 accounts on AdultFYI Iam_Blazing and JustBlaze2019 same person. One other note Username Iam_Blazing who's real name is Todd Lamoureux fucked Nicki Hunter and Christy Canyon in Playboy Studios which is disgusting because Nicki Hunter fucked ChristianXXX and anyone that comes into contact with that Aids dick of his is contaminated same thing with Christy Canyon she is a faghag that fucks crossovers like Peter North, Sean Micheals, Shane Diesel. In Addition with the 2 Usernames Iam_Blazing/JustBlaze2019 this person has 2 Twitter accounts one main Twitter Account which was @HotDogTodd but when he got exposed on PWL he locked his account and he had a troll account @WalterHeisenbu2 which he trolled to get stalkers the people he considers stalkers are anyone who goes against the faghag Porn Whores that he likes. He changed both against after being exposed by me on PWL so now his main account is @down_4_maint and his troll account is @Augustus2019 I also want to throw in his a Picture of his fat ugly manly looking sister Lisa Lamoureux it's no wonder why he's so ugly it runs in the family cause his sister looks like a straight up dude in the face.

Update tothis thread Username Iam_Blazing on this forum who's Handle was " BigFanForLife" on PWL who's legal name is Todd Lamoureux changed up his main Twitter name again it went from @HotDogTodd to @down_4_maint to @hotdogg_toddd he added on another d everytime he gets exposed he changes up, he's so fucking retarded he needs to do himself a favor and put a gun to his head and just blow his brains out or what little brains he has left

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I wanna add a little more info on this retarded loser faggot troll with the username Justblaze2019/ Iam_Blazing who I exposed as a 44 year old gay male fan of Christy Canyon named Todd Lamoureux well he has a sister named Lisa who I showed with 2 retarded slow children and instead of helping his 2 retarded nephews he would rather troll on AdultFYI forum and defend a 54 year old Porn Whore Christy Canyon SMH this man has 2 morbidly obese Nephews who are retarded just like he is and he won't help his sister out with her children! Family comes first forget about trolling on a message board forum. well maybe if I put his sister's info out someone else may be generous enough to help cause this crazy man Todd obviously dont care about his family he cares more about a dirty worthless washed up diseased Porn Whore Christy Canyon and protecting her reputation which is already fucked up. 

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