There’s at least eight pages of heartwarming exchanges developing on America’s forum, . It started with Darrah Ford calling Desi Foxx a disgusting vile sea creature, Foxx returning serve and it goes from there. Check out the threader head: “Desi and Elli Foxx not posting at XPT” in the shit list section.
> Darrah Ford posts on Desi bragged on ADT that she and her daughter took turns on the same guy. He probably wasn’t wearing condoms. Which means body fluids were exchanged between mother and daughter. She also bragged about her and her daughter getting facials by the same guy at the same time. Desi Foxx is a vile, disgusting, sea creature. I have nothing against Elli. It’s not her fault how she turned out thinking having sex with her mother is okay. And yes, exchanging body fluids as they did in my book makes it adult incest. Did the guy get up and shower before having sex with the other so mother and daughter wouldn’t be exchanging their bits? Desi is also pimping her daughter because she is profiting from their mother and daughter having sex media gimmick. If you approve of adult incest, then have sex with your mother and father on your next shoot. You’re as bad as they are because it’s cunts like you that provides a market for adult incest. So you can fuck off and die, fucking white trash cunt.
Desi Foxx writes: Hi all! It’s Desi Foxx here. Thanks Cam for the nice comments and to everyone else for putting this douchbag in her place. She’s not getting anywhere on any of the forums. You see, Flea on My Ass, even if they don’t like us, they will always hate you so much more. No one wants your shriveled up ass anywhere so go choke on your own shit!
You’re just a dried up ole cunt who can’t get laid. In one of your other posts here, you say you ask lots of questions. Well, you never asked us any to know WTF you’re talking about. You can’t even read straight to get the facts straight on dissing us and you have no concept of porn or production so you just keep proving what an idiot you are.
I luv the comments someone else said about never seeing a mom who’s so pissed about her daughter not getting laid with regards to our blacklisting. Now that’s a hilarious point of view so I can’t diss that
See, Parasite, if you were half as entertaining as you were a fucking dried up wasted piece of foreskin, someone might actually talk back to you. Instead, the shit comes from your mouth so freely, we all wonder who’s asshole you’re sucking it out of????