Porn Valley- Former porn mogul Al Goldstein suffered two indignities within a week and only your personal set of values will determine which was greater. According to an article in the Palm Beach Post recently, Goldtsein was one of 800 who stood in the rain outside the Trump International Sonesta Beach Resort in an attempt to interview for Trump’s reality show The Apprenctice.
Quoth the Post: “A few got sassy and wore a red suit, or a hat, or a sparkly blazer, or no tie, or, in the case of retired Fort Lauderdale pornographic magazine king Al Goldstein, 68, a dirty T-shirt and shorts.
“They have to pick me,” he [Goldstein] said.
They didn’t.
Whether Goldstein’s present bride got wind of that indignity is a matter of speculation. But now the N.Y. Post is reporting that Goldstein’s bride of two months- Ava Maharaz- has left him. According to the Post, Maharaz, Goldstein’s 5th wife allegedly told Goldstein she was leaving his Pompano Beach, Fla. digs to spend some time with her parents in New York.
“She may as well have told him she was going out for a pack of smokes,” says The Post, “because, unfortunately for Al, she ain’t coming back. Poor old Al may not even know he’s been ditched yet, according to the buzz at Da Tommaso restaurant.”