San Antonio- A group of atheists at UTSA was asking students to exchange bibles for porn magazines Wednesday, and that has made some religious leaders angry. News 4 WOAI first broke the story at 6 p.m. Wednesday.
At a Wednesday night church service, The Bible is the bond between believers, but on the UTSA campus a group of students were calling scripture, smut.
“We consider The Bible to be a very negative force in the history of the world,” student Ryan Walker said. He is part of a student group calling itself the “Atheist Agenda.”
Club members were on campus asking students to exchange religious materials for pornographic magazines like Black Label and Playboy.
News 4 WOAI’s Demond Fernandez showed the Athiest Agenda’s “Smut for Smut” fliers to Pastor Rick Hawkins of the Family Praise Center.
“In my opinion, there are no atheists. There are fools,” Hawkins said. “So, that would be foolish propaganda.”
Other Christians we talked to agreed with Pastor Hawkins.
Athiest Agenda members said they got the idea from students in Austin. They claimed they were only exercising freedom of speech.
“I don’t know one believer that would take his Bible and turn it in for pornography,” Pastor Hawkins said.
So far, only five students have exchanged their bibles for porn.