Porn Valley- It went from a whodunnit to a how the fuck did he do it. The he being Chef Jeff and how he wound up with a bloody gash on his head.
During Jeff’s interview on KSEX Monday night when a list of the unusual suspects was trotted out, Wankus asked Jeff about Stacy, “the bitch” Jeff bought a plane ticket for. Jeff was supposed to have taken Stacy, a former employee of The Bunny Ranch, to adultcon but changes of plans were imminent when Wankus got irate e-mails from Stacy going off on Jeff. Stacy was a phone guest on Jeff’s show last Tuesday and volunteered sensitive information about Dennis Hof owner of The Bunny Ranch. Stacy went on to say that if you slept with Hof, you tend to get better promo. Co-ho Rebecca Love chimed in agreement. “Yeah, you do,” said Love.
Although Stacy certainly volunteered the information, Wankus noted that Hof got mad at both KSEX and for reporting the story. Wankus went on to say that Stacy also got mad at Gene Ross for reporting the story, stating that he was an asshole for doing so. “All he did was report what she said,” Wankus added. Jeff also made it clear that he didn’t push Stacy for the information, that she was very forthcoming with it. As far as Jeff knew, Stacy was planning to come into town over the weekend and he even bought her a plane ticket that set him back $185. “She was going to come out and we were going to have a good time, to see if we hit it off- Lisa Sparxxx fixed us up,” Jeff said. “I went to the Palm Springs airports, stood around, and the fuckin’ bitch wasn’t on the plane.”
Wankus said Stacy was pissed in her e-mail. Jeff wanted to know about what. “She just blamed us for all her big mouth-stuff,” Wankus replied. “She didn’t have to say it if she didn’t want to,” Jeff agreed.
Wankus also said he ran into Hof at Sammie Sparks’ birthday party Saturday night, and, fortunately, he [Wankus] had a few because it gives him the opportunity to really say what’s on his mind. “There was no ass-kissing there,” said Wankus describing his confab with Hof. Love said she wouldn’t worry about Hof. “He burns so many bridges that I wouldn’t even worry,” she said. According to Wankus, Hof went off about the whole thing. “He started telling me that being with Gene Ross is going to bring down KSEX.” Love said being associated with Hof is more apt to bring him down. “Don’t even worry about that.”
Wankus attempted to reason with Hof. “You’re mad at me, you’re mad at Gene, you’re mad at all these people for printing this story about Stacy who said you were making sexual advances to her when you should be mad at Stacy. She’s the one that said it.”
“A lot of girls tell me the same shit,” Love interjected. “You have to do things for Dennis to get what you want.” Wankus said the point is that Hof is mad at KSEX when all they did was turn the mikes on. “And some girls start spewing off. He should call her and be mad, not me. I didn’t do anything wrong to him. Come on. Chill out.” Wankus claims all is well now between KSEX, he and Hof.